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Programme development – Planning execution and evaluation

The keyword program has different types of meaning in a dictionary. Somewhere program means to make a plan or take the initiative; it also denotes scheme. The word Programme also denotes a list, proclamation, prospectus. Here is a technological language. This program denotes a different meaning: a particular set of orders that the computer performs properly.

Program- Basically, it is put into the storage portion of a computer system for performing properly. This program is a kind of data that helps the computer systems to operate. In a computer system, there are two different types of programs. One is Interactive, and another is the batch program.

Interactive program- When a program receives one data from another program, that is called an Interactive program.

Batch program- This program does its work, finishes that, and then stops. This kind of program can start with anyone or any user. Also can run with the help of another interactive program.

To conduct a program- To start a program, the user has to know the basic computer language to create a program.

Programme development – Planning execution and evaluation are needed to run an organisation in the real world. In order to develop a program here, some stages have to be maintained. Those are

  •       Analysis
  •       Needs or requirements
  •       Design
  •       Software development
  •       Testing
  •       Maintenances and updating


In an organisation, people need to analyse the need and then make that a proper structure or design. After that, the older software should be developed and appropriate for the upcoming requirement. Then peach that program properly and maintain the objects.

Analysis- When a consumer demands a new project, the company should analyse how to conduct that program that can achieve that consumer’s prime objective or goal.

Needs- After getting that project, the organisation needs to understand the needs and requirements for that particular project. The organisation has to understand the basic objective of the project that they received. 

Design- After understanding the requirements, how the program will work and what it should look that needs to be specified. 

Development- According to the project demand, the software should develop. 

Testing- After making a program, the programmer should check or test the demo of that project. It looks like it works and can cover the consumers’ objectives by using this program. 

This is the first part of Programme development – Planning execution and evaluation.

The next part of Programme development – Planning execution and evaluation is completing the planning section. In order to do the planning, some different parameters should maintain, those are- 

Set the goal- In order to make a program, proper planning is required. While achieving the organisational objectives, a proper planning process should be maintained. The planning process has to be fixed by maintaining the objectives. 

Identify some alternatives- In terms of fulfilling the goal, there are different ways that the organisation can implement. The company should maintain a particular way to achieve that objective by knowing all kinds of alternative ways out.

Selection- By knowing all kinds of options, the programmer should choose the best plan for their project, which they have received from their consuming customers.

Therefore, from the above section, you can identify the planning stage in Programme development – Planning execution and evaluation. 

The next step of Programme development – Planning execution and evaluation is “planning and execution”.

planning and execution-

After doing the planning, the programmer needs to execute those plans. For completing execution, the programmer needs to follow some steps those are –

There are six steps to execute proper programming planning. The steps are

  •       Strategic planning
  •       Communication
  •       Rewarding
  •       Goal setting
  •       Tracking and reporting
  •       Performance management
  •       With the help of these six steps, a programmer can successfully execute their planning. The planning should be organised properly so that the execution part can work properly. 
  •       For planning and execution purposes, strategic planning is required. The key tools of this stage are what the project will achieve and how many small and big steps they should take while conducting some frequent strategic meetings. The communication stage is the most important stage for each and everywhere. Always proper and relevant communication is required. Next, make an effective goal, execute that, then track the projects, and take some feedback are the other prime stages of this execution parts for making a proper program. 
  •       With the help of these stages, a project can make its planning and execution quotes portion successful. 
  •       After the planning and execution quotes stage, the next step is to evaluate a project or program’s planning execution and evaluation portion. In order to commit to the objectives of an organisation, the program should make a plan and then it should execute. After executing the evolution, you should also notice. The basic thing is to assess the development and execution steps. After finishing the program, the programmer should assess the project’s outcome. Does the project achieve the organisational goals or not? They also should look at the impact of the executions and the developments as well.

    Conclusion: –

    A perfect programme can reduce the workload of an organisation. So the programmer should do proper planning and execute that to make a positive evolution on every project.



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