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Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education

The term “formal” mainly refers to a specific expression that obeys some rules and regulations by demonstrating a certain “official sanctioning” or an “official approval” in an occasion. Informal and non-formal educational systems produce lifelong procedures to acquire highly qualified skills, attitudes and values that are essential for a child's developmental process.


There is a wide range of different factors that provide a clear and conceptual idea about the formal, non-formal and informal education related to child welfare and development. Formal education mainly refers to specific educational activities that a child learns in the classroom in a traditional manner. This type of education provides a “well-structured education system” that surely includes certain specialised and effective programs like “vocational”, “technical”, “professional training”, “recognition” and “certification”. Informal and non-formal educational systems produce lifelong procedures to acquire highly qualified skills, attitudes and values that are also essential for the child’s developmental process.


Formal education for Child Development

Formal education is the most systematic type of learning that helps the teacher to set specific learning objectives and goals for controlling the entire learning method. This formal learning is very much beneficial for the child’s welfare and growth as it initiates every child to impart their knowledgeable events and activities more flexibly in a perfect schedule. This initiates them to inherit the basic learning variants, arts and sciences in a proper systematic way to develop their learning skills quickly. Formal type mainly helps to evaluate and analyse the proper usage of the learning skills in their daily life for gathering experiences and knowledge positively. Formal behavioural attitudes are mainly developed in elementary schools to pursue their academic as well as basic learning skills for the betterment of the child in the future. Children mainly acquired their formal attitude and behaviour from the teachers and the professionals for making a bright future ahead.

Difference between Formal, Informal and Non-formal Education

Formal educational learning mainly begins in the school, beneficial for their future advancements in order to make their career more valuable and systemic in a formal manner. On the other hand, informal education mainly denotes the learning abilities for adapting to a new language throughout their entire life. Informal education is very much crucial for enhancing the performance efficiency of the children, including several factors like viewing videos, self-study, reading articles, participating in forums and chat rooms, performance assistance, coaching sessions and games. These activities are also very important for the child to improve their extracurricular actions in order to acquire the best qualities of skills and learning events. Non-formal education mainly specifies the learning of a new language outside the classroom with the help of certain useful creative, innovative as well as practical procedures. It does not contain any kind of particular syllabus, accreditation, certification or level of the curriculum as compared to formal education.

Difference between informal and Non-formal Education

Informal education demonstrates every child to develop their future more valuable and productive acquires a natural way of teaching and learning that. This surely enhances the self-motivational power of the child to increase their performance level and become well adapted to the new teaching and learning techniques more flexibly. Informal learning mainly provides experience through situational actions as it initiates the child to deal with the situation accurately with proper strategies and techniques. On the other hand, non-formal education denotes the well-planned and well-structured programs of both social and personal education for the child to enhance the skills as well as the competence level more illustratively. “Non-formal” mainly provides real-life experiences to the children to develop their training skills as well as enhance their intellectual power effectively. Examples of non-formal learning are swimming classes allocated for the small children, sports clubs for the students, reading in groups, debating in societies, amateur choirs as well as orchestras.

Difference between Formal and Informal Education

The main difference between formal and informal education is that formal learning is mainly “classroom-based education”, provided by trained teachers and informal learning is mainly “practical based education” acquired by real-life experiences. The formal type also helps the child to acquire and adapt their learning skills more flexibly and in a systematic manner within the classroom, providing the technical skills and knowledge for improving their professional growth quickly. However, the informal type satisfies the main curiosity of the child by incorporating certain practical examples to gather more informative data and knowledge about the appropriate situation. It surely encourages the student to enhance their critical thinking level with the help of conversation, exploration, associations and enlargement.


Formal education is very essential for each student or child in their career as it enhances their learning power positively in a well-structured procedure in order to increase their academic skills as early as possible. It also helps them to take on certain essential responsibilities in their personal life by enhancing their strength factors more flexibly and smoothly. Informal education is also very much crucial for all their children as it helps to enhance their extracurricular abilities to make their life more valuable quickly. Non-formal education determines the real-life or practical based experiences for increasing their intellectual efficiency. All these learning and educational activities are very much beneficial for the child to boost their relationship with the community for the well-being of the child.