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Pricing of Agriculture Inputs and Outputs

The inputs in the case of agriculture have been the required investments in involved machinery along with fertilisers. Costs for “seeds”, “labours” are also counted in the same.


The sector that is dedicated towards agriculture has been engaging around 64% of the workforce in India. Data have indicated that during almost 50 years that are in the past and up to the present era the sector regarding agriculture has seen a growth that can be counted as significant. Inputs that have been traditional such as “human labour”, “bullock labours” and so on have been replaced with relevant modernisation. Inputs have been improved while introducing seeds that are modern along with numerous machines that are required for farming have been provided to farmers in the same country. 

Pricing Regarding Agricultural Inputs and/or Outputs for India

Trends Regarding Cost

The trend regarding cost as an average in the nation has seen a growth that can be considered stable. Around 2.14% of related growth in the case of “Cost of Cultivation” has been noted over around 25 years. Although the aforementioned figure can be seen as impressive, data have also been suggesting that the required infrastructure has not been efficient enough and along with that the dedicated policies from the end of “Indian government” have also been weak. 

Impacts that have been negative have been noted in the case of “oilseeds”, for instance. Considering 2021, from the related perspective, the state known as “Haryana” has seen an imposed inflation in case of buying required seeds for Mustard. Around 1500 INR for a quintal has been imposed, being paid as extra in this scenario. Considering the same figure as the total, it can be said that around 7900 INR has been required to be paid for a single quintal in 2021.

Output Harnessed from Agriculture in India

The sector that is dedicated to agriculture has also been playing a role that is comparatively crucial for “GDP” of India. The output has been composed of “agribusinesses” that are impacting the commodity regarding agriculture onwards from the production and up to numerous consumers. The relevant involvement of transportation along with storing and up to selling and so on are considered as involved factors. 

Around 20 million of the population in the workforce are involved in this same sector. This result can be counted as impressive and thus India can be seen being placed as second in the case of relevant outputs by the scores of farmers. Considering the related contribution towards the “GDP”, it has been noted that around 18%. Additionally, the income involved by exporting numerous goods that are agricultural has been 3.50 billion USD in 2020. 

Commission of Agricultural Costs and Prices

This individual commission has been an individual office that is usually governed from the end of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India”. This also has been an agency that is also a dedicated body for advisory in this scenario. 


The same commission has been established while having a relatable mission and/or aim for numerous cultivators across the nation. The aim has been to introduce “Minimum Support Price” that has the required potential while motivating the scores of cultivators while adopting numerous technologies regarding farming. Technologies can be seen as effective while optimising the required utilisation of required resources to eventually increase required productivity.

Minimum Support Price

Considering the relevant involvement of “CACP”, around 23 distinct commodities have been recommended by the same organisation. Around 7 kinds regarding “cereals”, 5 distinct variants regarding “pulses” have been covered. Additionally, “oilseeds” of around 7 distinct kinds, 4 crops that are commercial, are covered by the same initiative. An instance from data that are latest can be highlighted as “paddy” that are graded as “A” and have been priced 1888 INR as MSP.   

Maximum Support Price

Data that are recent have been suggesting that almost 2.1 crore from the population regarding farmers will be benefited from the same program in 2021. An example can be considered in this regard such as the involved price as maximum for “paddy” has been increased from 1360 INR for a single quintal up to 1940 INR. The prior has been the data onwards from 2014 and up to 2015 and the latest have been observed amidst 2020 and 2021. 


It can be concluded that the price regarding input towards numerous aspects of agriculture has been beneficial but data also have suggested information to the contrary. It has been noted that infrastructure involved in this scenario has been containing issues and impacts such as “inflation” has been noted. In addition, support has been provided from the end of the same government that has been benefiting numerous cultivators.


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