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The Framework For Public Decision Making

Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework provides a structure for thinking about public decision making. Learn the GCIP framework in detail.


In order to make sound decisions, policymakers need a clear understanding of the (GCIP)  Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework. This framework provides a structure for thinking about public decision making. It can be used to identify and analyze the factors that influence economic goal attainment and sustainable economic growth

What is the Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework?

The Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework is a powerful tool that can be used to make better public decisions. It is a framework that can be used to think about the trade-offs between different goals, and how these trade-offs can be managed.

Elements of public decisions framework

The framework consists of four key elements: Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy. Each of these elements is important in understanding how public decisions are made.


The Goals element refers to the overall objectives of a policy or decision. What are we trying to achieve?  Goals can be economic, social, environmental or political.

Economic Goal 

One of the key goals of public policy is to promote sustainable economic growth. This goal is important because it allows us to provide a better standard of living for our citizens.

 Social Goal

Another important goal of public policy is to improve social welfare. This includes goals such as reducing poverty, improving access to education and healthcare, and reducing crime.

Environmental Goal

The third key goal of public policy is to protect the environment. This includes goals such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting biodiversity, and reducing pollution.

Political Growth

The fourth key goal of public policy is to promote political growth. This includes goals such as ensuring the rule of law, promoting democracy, and protecting human rights.

What is sustainable economic growth?

One of the most important economic goals is sustainable economic growth. Sustainable economic growth is defined as an increase in a country’s real GDP per capita over time. There are many factors that contribute to sustainable economic growth, including human capital, physical capital, technology, and the environment. However, the most important factor is the level of economic development. A country can only achieve sustainable economic growth if its economy is at a level of development where the average person can afford to buy the goods and services that are produced.

There are many factors that contribute to sustainable economic growth, but the most important factor is the level of economic development. A country can only achieve sustainable economic growth if its economy is at a level of development where the average person can afford to buy the goods and services that are produced.


The Constraints element refers to the limitations on a policy or decision. These can be economic,  social, or political in nature. For example, a policy goal might be to increase economic growth. However, there may be constraints such as a limited budget that prevent the policy from being fully implemented. Another example would be a goal to reduce pollution, which might be constrained by political factors such as public opinion or the power of special interests.

Economic Constraints

– Limited budget

– Regulations

– Taxes

Social Constraints

– Culture

– Social norms

Political Constraints

– Public opinion


The Institutions element refers to the organizations and rules that govern a society. It includes both formal institutions, such as the government and the legal system, and informal institutions, such as social norms and customs. Institutions can help or hinder economic development. Formal institutions that promote economic development include a well-defined property rights system, an effective and impartial legal system, and a government that provides efficient public goods and services. Informal institutions that promote economic development include strong family ties, high levels of trust, and a culture that encourages risk-taking and entrepreneurship.


The Policy element refers to the specific policies or decisions that are made in order to achieve the goals. These policies can be economic, social, environmental or political in nature.  The policy options that are available to decision-makers are constrained by the economic goal, the institutions and the political environment. The key question for policymakers is how to best achieve the desired outcomes while also taking into account these constraints.

Fiscal policy economic goals

Fiscal policy economic goals are one of the most important tools that governments use to influence the economy. The economic goal is to achieve economic growth and full employment. The fiscal policy options available to policymakers are constrained by the need to maintain macroeconomic stability, which means keeping inflation and interest rates low. In addition, fiscal policy must also take into account the political environment and the preferences of the public.

The Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework is a useful tool for understanding the complex process of public decision-making. It can help policymakers to identify the key issues and trade-offs that they need to consider when making decisions.


In order to make sound decisions for the public, it is important to understand the Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework within which these decisions are made. The goals of an individual or group, the constraints they face, and the institutions and policies that guide their actions all play a role in shaping public decision making. By understanding this framework, students can develop a deeper understanding of how government works and why certain policies are put into place. Additionally, this knowledge can be used to advocate for change when needed. 


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