Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Dairy Microbiology » QUALITY ANALYSIS OF MILK- SPC, MBRT


Quality analysis of milk by SPC, MBRT reflects upon the nutritional value of the milk and other dairy products and its effectiveness to health benefits.


Quality analysis of milk by SPC and MBRT analyses the microbial profile present in milk. The analysis thus derived helps in deriving the data of the microbiological population of the milk and their relative effect upon the quality of milk. Methylene Blue Reduction Test (MBRT) helps in evaluating the contaminant factors as involved due to the presence of microbes in milk. Whereas the Standard Plate Count (SPC) denotes the number of aerobic microbes present in the milk. These two tests further help in deriving a conclusion regarding the quality of the milk and its effect on the health of consumers.

Quality analysis of toned milk

Toned milk is obtained after combining buffalo and cow’s milk to attain a concentration of 3% fat and 8.5% not fat contents in the milk, including protein and sugar as compared to 3.5-4% dissolved fat in regular milk thus an abstract of quality analysis of toned milk. As per the FSS regulation and Indian standards the fat content in toned milk cannot get lower than 3%. In toned milk, the significant content of vitamin A and calcium is present in toned milk. The SPC test shows on average the plate count is 30000/grams in the toned milk found in India. It reflects the quality of the toned milk is comparatively higher than that of regular milk as available in the market given the nutritional value and the scientific approach undertaken to maximise the potential of the milk quality.

Analysis and classification of milk quality by electronic sensory organs

Analysis of the milk quality is conducted by various approaches and the relative classification is thus enlisted based on the quality of the milk product as derived. Using the electronic sensory organs that consist of pH sensor, temperature sensor, air quality sensor and taste measurement with e-nose and e-tongue, determines the presence of adulterants.

  • pH sensor enables the process of determination of the pH value of the milk. The value within the range of 6.5-6.7 is considered to be ideal, anything below or higher is considered to be abnormal, and with the aid of LCD in the setup the pH value is displayed.
  • Temperature criteria should be adhered to during the process of storage and handling of the milk. it is considered to be safe for the storage of milk at a temperature of 35-40 degrees Celsius, above or below this temperature will cause settlements of harmful bacteria
  • Odour test is an essential aspect regarding the quality check of the milk. The milk as stored for a long time will get toxic and release foul gas that would be indicative factors about the ill condition of the milk
  • The taste of the milk is also one such aspect that does not require much scientific equipment to analyse the condition of the milk, this factor, however, is dependent upon the pH value of the milk in case the milk is stale it will taste bad primarily sour.

Analysis and classification of milk quality by electronic sensory organs is an automated method of approach that includes authentication measures that make the setup far more secure.

MBRT test for milk quality

Methylene Blue Dye Reduction test is used to analyse the quality based on the content of microbiological quality of the milk. A blue dye is added to the milk and its rate of discoloration defines the microbiological quality of the milk. The sooner the colour decolourises reflects the inferiority of the microbial quality of the milk.


Quality analysis of milk using the method of SPC and MBRT reflects a qualitative evaluation of the microbial content in the milk. SPC determines the number of microbes present in the milk sample while the latter determines the quality of the microbes present in the milk using the blue dye of the setup, faster the ink dissolves worse is the quality of the microbes present in milk. The other method of electronic sensory organs determines the quality of the milk using electronically stimulated and designed organs that evaluate the pH value, toxicity, taste, and temperature of the milk. 


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What result can be derived from the quality analysis of milk by SPC and MBRT?

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What analysis can be derived regarding the quality analysis of toned milk?

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