Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Dairy Microbiology » CONDENSED AND DRY MILK PRODUCTS


Condensed milk is mainly called evaporated milk which is mainly fortified with some additional lactose. Dried milk mainly reaches the market and is also in powdered form.


The term condensed milk is mainly called and useful when referring mainly to full cream sweetened and unsweetened skim with milk. Condensed milk is mainly cow’s milk which removes water from milk and is always found with added sugar which is called sweetened condensed milk. It also can be made from evaporated milk and in some countries, this evaporated milk is also called unsweetened condensed milk. Dried milk products contain things such as “buttermilk, malted milk, instant breakfast, sweet cream, sour cream, butter powder, ice cream mix”. Numerous products contain milk stuff in this industry but dried products only contain milk solids and also some components of food staff.  


Condensed and dry milk products

In the market, condensed milk is essential and also has a stipulated content of fat and dry solids. It is the most falsified dairy product, if it drinks excessively, it can cause caries. In addition, the future benefits of drinking condensed milk give nutrients such as “calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B, potassium and vitamin D”. It is also an excellent source of protein which can help to develop a healthy body and help to prevent all issues environmentally. In addition, it also helps to create a successful bone structure and maintain healthy body weight. Condensed milk is healthy for the body but it must be one spoonful. Apart from this, excessive drinking of condensed milk can cause cardiovascular health and also negatively impact health. A high level of sweetness in this milk also can cause and increase high levels of diabetes in the human body which can cause a great loss. Every milk must have an expiration date which also needs to be refrigerated which can help maintain product reliability and it’s mainly a shelf-stable product. In addition, to maintain product value it contains 11% lactose and also 4% lactose for adding whipping cream. Dry milk products are crucially helpful to a human body which helps to “balance cholesterol, fight free radicals, repair damaged skin”. It also improves brain function of the brain, takes numerous positive effects on cellular metabolism and also improves tissues. 

What is condensed milk?

Condensed milk is an essential substance that can help to maintain a healthy body balance and it also refers to a “full-cream sweetened condensed milk”. In addition, when it contains in another part such as evaporating milk it is called unsweetened condensed milk. Both rhymes products are contained from cow and buffalo and mix them before use. It also added calcium chloride, citric acid and also sodium salts. In addition, one of the primary contents is calcium which can help to strengthen bone density and prepare a successful bodyweight. It is truly good for health and a portion of healthy food which can reduce extra body weight and add some essentials such as carbohydrates, fat and protein. It also helps to create a properly balanced diet in which the presence of the substance calcium can help to develop bone structure, teeth. It is especially important for children’s health and is also considered a balanced diet. In addition, it also stores blood, boosts immunity and also develops a supply of vitamins in a body which can take effect on the human body. It must be refrigerated at a temperature of 0 to 10 degrees and also not more than 12 months and in a portion of canned food. 

How to make condensed milk

Seething the milk and also sugar in low steam and controlling that milk. Then try to cool them when it becomes thickened and ready, it will last for a few weeks and also under proper refrigeration. Steps of making condensed milk such as 

  • “1 cup (245 mL) boiling water”
  • “1/4 cup (55 g) margarine”
  • “2 cups (400 g) white sugar”
  • “4 cups (480 g) nonfat dry milk powder”

Mix the sugar and also milk in a medium type of saucepan then boil it at medium heat. After that, boil it until the mixture gets thick and ready to creamy for about 40 minutes. After all, execute, add some butter and vanilla essence and good taste and when the mixture is completely done then make it in a cool area. In the end, transfer the mixture or thick substance to a new jar and refrigerate it for a week. These are the methods that can help to make condensed milk which is helpful for health and developing positive body balance. Proper ingredients of making condensed milk help to create a proper healthy lifestyle and also improve bone structures. 


To conclude an overview of condensed and dry milk, which helps to maintain and create a balance in the body. It also helps to maintain healthy body weight and regulates the body properly. Condensed milk and dry milk both also help to repair damaged skin but an excessive drink of milk can cause numerous effects such as crates diabetes in the human body.