
Current Affairs

Current affairs define the contents that provide an explanation of the recent happenings around the world that has been affecting politics, technology and government policies.

Current affairs accumulate the contents and information regarding recent events and create awareness related to recent events. Current affairs include detailed insights about the daily happenings of the city, country. Current affairs also concern the recent happenings that have an impact upon the society and make common people aware of them. Furthermore, current affairs focus on the potentiality to influence representatives of the government to contribute to society in a meaningful way. Current affairs include detailed knowledge about education, business, politics, and employment that serves to be effective in enhancing knowledge of an individual.

Current Affairs: definition

Current affairs deal with significant information that is associated with different sections of the immediate society or at the global stage. Current affairs provide us with the information that deals with the present happenings that have an impact upon the mechanism of proceedings in various fields of work, nationally or internationally.

Classification of Current Affairs

Current affairs deal with the recent information from different sections of society.

  • National Affairs: This section deals with all the necessary information that is related to the recent incidents in the country. It is necessary that an individual is well-read regarding the happenings of their country.
  • International Affairs: International affairs deals with the selection of the news that deals with the eminent global incidents, that otherwise has a certain amount of impact upon the people across the world, be it a natural disaster, achievement of a person, or a decision undertaken by a government of a specific country.
  • Affairs related to the economy: This section of information in the current affair deals with the recent decisions and policies as undertaken in the country, which has an impact regarding the economic aspect of the society.
  • Scientific Affairs: Current affairs related to banking referred to the information and news regarding the recent progress in the field of science and technology. This section of affairs broadly discusses the advancements associated with science, be it an invention of a certain technology or an expedition in space. This particular set of information is highly sought after for awareness among people as well as the events.
  • Current affairs in the field of sports: Current news and information dealing with sports events across the world are classified within this section of affairs. From cricket to kabaddi, this section of affairs specifically mentions the recent happenings with the people involved in the sports world and the decisions undertaken by the authorities associated with different sections of sports. 
  • Affairs of awards and achievements: This is the broad section of information, which is associated with highlighting people from various sections of the society and fields of work. The section mentions the prestigious awards and achievements earned by people due to their remarkable contribution in their specific field of expertise. 
  • Current Affairs of Appointments: The section of affairs deals with the information regarding the designated appointments in the upper echelons of various departments of government jobs. 

Importance of Current Affairs

From the very advent of the civil service examinations, current affairs have been an integral part of the job interview since it allows the examiners and interviewees alike to filter out the capable students aside from the lot, the students who reflect their diversity in terms of knowledge and awareness regarding the society one will be working in. In recent days every section of government examinations implements current affairs in their terms of conduction of interview be it Civil Services Exams or the TET. Aside from the aforementioned aspect, it is important that an individual, in general, is illuminated with the affairs of their immediate society along with the present conditions that prevail in the world.


A person needs to be educated regarding the recent events prevailing in the society they live in along with happenings across the world. In certain cases, government affairs and policies help a person in implementing measures in their personal lives that would otherwise cause hindrance in their proceedings. In recent times, India has seen groundbreaking policies in the form of demonetization, implementation of GST and COVID guidelines that needed a person to be well versed regarding having clarity in the dealings of day-to-day lives. Also, Current affairs help a person to be knowledgeable assisting in the course of application in various government jobs.