Output devices

This study material will focus on the major aspects of the digital word processing operation, Major aspects like Output devices will be discussed.

Word processing can be conducted in two ways and they are: physically (using pen and paper) and digitally (utilizing a computer or other digital device). However, the digital process is quicker and simpler than physical processing. Producing words through the computer has become widely popular throughout the globe as the main advantage of this processing involves the editing of the words. Word processing has become the basic function of a computer as most individuals are utilizing this function for both official and unofficial purposes.

Presentation of word processing

The term word processing can be referred to as making or customizing a document for output devices with the use of a word processing device, in this case, a computer. Within computers, the word processing operation is conducted with some specific software, such as Google Docs, Microsoft Word, OpenOffice and many more. However, before the computer, the previous word-processing operation was conducted via a standalone electronic device which was typewriters. This word processing machine was first presented in the era of 1960s. However, the software based on output devices that are mentioned above permits the users to build up a large variation in documents (for example, reports, memos, letters, brochures and others) in the operation of word processing. All of the software holds the capabilities of formatting and editing the word during the process. This is the reason why modern individuals are reliable in this approach for word processing. The main considerable aspect of this word processing is that output devices of computers play a crucial part in the process as they present the process visually to the users as the outcome of the inputs. Most of the word processing programs can provide permission to the users to check any type of eros (for example grammar or spelling) within the writing.   

Input and output devices for word processing

“Input and output device” are the most crucial part of a computer, these are the types of tool which builds up the overall computer system. However, before this digitalized era most individuals were confused on the aspect which raised the question that what is an output device is. The input one permits the user to dispatch the information, on the other hand, output devices finishers the activities that are related to that information. However, when it comes to the word processing operation these two devices become the major criteria of the whole operation. There are various tools present in the market which can act as either input devices or output devices according to their function. The tools for input and output devices are as follows:

Input device

  • Keyboard: This is the most general input device for conveying the information to the system and this device conduct this operation with the help of a series of keys presented above the board. All the available keys of the board are sectioned into 4 parts, letters, numbers, functions and characters. The connection of this output device can be done by either a USB system or by Bluetooth or Wifi.
  • Mouse: This input tool is a hand-supported device that permits the users to change the location of the cursor in any place on the computer screen. It conducts on a surface (which is flat) with the presence of two main keys which can be identified as right and left buttons. However, for the additional purpose, a scroll button is also present in between these two buttons. The main function of this input device is to select, highlight something. In word processing operation it acts as cursor charring operator, or word highlighter or opening some function of the processing.

Output Device

  • Monitor: This device is a visual unit that acts for displaying the outcomes of specific information. All the visuals of this Output device are made by pixels and these pixels help to build up the sharpness of the image. The screen with which the outcomes of the information are presented can be sectioned into two parts, one is a CRT monitor and the other one is an LCD monitor.  
  • Printers: This hardware is utilized to build up a hard copy of the given information to the computer for word processing. All the created documents in the operation of word processing can be presented via this output device with paper. This tool is one of the general computer devices (which is peripheral) that can be sectioned into further two parts, which are: a) 2D printers and b) 3D printers.

Difference between a word processor and text editor

Word processing is the operation of building up a series of words for making a sentence or a paragraph. However, the processing serves the general editing, formatting, input and output of a word or a sentence with some extra attributes. It is a publishing program (fully functioned) of a desktop that generates error-free documents.

On the other hand, the text editor is also a part of a computer program that aids in customizing a text (plain).


After analyzing this study material, it can be concluded that word processing is a useful part of a human’s life. This process is involved in most of the official work, which indicates giving a presentation, sending email, producing a report, and others. It is also related to the education system. That means not only adults but also the students (teenagers) also merged with this processing. It bounded with, the students as it uses during giving an exam, working on an assignment and other things.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Kerala PSC Examination Preparation.

Why did word processing via computer become popular in the digitalized era?

Ans : This process both creates words and edits them.

Besides monitor and printer what output devices are present?

Ans : It contains a speaker, projector, plotter and others.

What is an output device?

Ans : The output device is a device that shows the output derived after processing any given input....Read full

What are the additional features of output devices of computers besides word processing?

Ans : Output features include showing processed data in the form of audio, video, text, or hard cop...Read full