The biological studies based on the DNA structure highlight that the molecules of DNA are based on the polymer of nucleotides. The strands of the DNA consist of altering sugar or deoxyribose and the group of phosphate. The four bases of the sugar are attached with one of four components of the bases. The four-components or bases are adenine, guanine, thymine, and cytosine. Among this base, the DNA follows four nitrogenous components such as two purines guanine and adenine, whereas two pyrimidines as cytosine and thymine. All the bases of the DNA are based on deoxyribose and phosphate groups.
Concept on the DNA structure
According to the biological studies as well as research-based on the DNA structure, it is clear that the structure follows three parts such as the sugar group, a phosphate group, and the nitrogen bases the structure of a DNA developed with the chemical blocks called nucleotides. The DNA is based on the genetic instructions to develop the functional, growth, and reproduction of known organisms and viruses that has a severe impact on the genetic function of the human body. According to the structure of the DNA, it is obvious that it is information to the molecules; it gathers pieces of information and creates large molecules named protein.
DNA molecules and structure
To identify the functional area of DNA it is necessary to develop an idea based on the biological structure of the molecule which is the essential component of the DNA. To increase the idea about the molecule and its effectiveness it is necessary to construct an idea on building blocks of the molecules as well as how they assemble to build the DNA molecules. Polymers are molecules that consist of smaller molecules called monomers to construct effectiveness in the molecules to increase the work efficiency of the DNA. As the polymers are built with the monomers, therefore the DNA monomers are the composition of nucleotides that join with each other to construct a DNA chain.
Four nucleotides
The DNA structure follows the four-letter of the nucleotides, A, C, T, and G. the nucleotides are built with three components named the sugar, the nucleobase, and the phosphate group. Most of the nucleotides are the formation of these three bases as well as form the DNA structure that is based on genetic development. In the DNA base, the fundamental component is the protein structure that develops the chain through the polymers as well as on the base of the monomers. Deoxyribose contains the hydroxyl group (-OH) and is attached with the third carbon into the ring. The function of the ring may enhance the grip of DNA to unwind the genomes.
Phosphodiester bonds of DNA
To maintain the entire process organised, biochemists are trying to develop a numbering process for discussing the molecular structure of the nucleotides. According to the study based on the phosphodiester bonds, it is highlighted that this system is the backbone of the entire functional area of the DNA. The phosphodiester bond, which builds a linkup with the sugar molecules with the phosphate molecules of the backbone, are the most important components to build DNA and RNA however it maintains integrity to the genetic code as well as allows life in this universe. The bonds consist of two groups of a phosphate group at the same time as the hydroxyl group. The group follows the compassion of the oxygen atom as well as the hydrogen atom. According to biological studies and research based on DNA, the 3′ carbon of sugar is bonded to 5′ phosphate of the adjoining sugar component. The hydrogen bonds consist of the two-component thymine and guanine.
Non-covalent hydrogen bonds
According to the research based on the DNA studies, the non-covalent hydrogen bond is the system that consists of the dipole to dipole bonding as well as consists of the hydrogen atom and electronegative atom that follows negative oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen, and a fluorine atom to develop a proper bindings that are called the non-covalent hydrogen bonds and helps the DNA to maintain efficiency in the human body as well as increase the rate of workability that provides sufficiency in the work progress in the DNA.
According to the entire studies based on the DNA structural development and research studies, it is clear that the function of the DNA in the human body has a severe impact on the human body. The monomer and polymer have a deeper impact on developing the functional area of the molecule of the DNA. The entire study follows the structural base of DNA as well as their effect and components that develop the activities of the human body.