Enzymes are the essential parts which are associated with the internal body functions of the people. This is basically protein molecules which are soluble and with the help of the enzymes, the chemical reaction may be done smoothly as well as quickly in the cells of human beings. These reactions comprise photosynthesis and respiration of human beings. It can be stated that the new proteins are made by the chemical reaction done by enzymes.
Different classes and functions of enzymes:
Enzymes are the relevant part which is related to the internal functions of human beings. There are various classes and different functions of those classes of the enzymes. The main six classes or types of the enzymes are described below:
Transferases: The function of this particular enzyme is to help the continuation of transportation of the group of functions among the molecules which are both acceptor and donor.
Lyases: The function of this type of enzyme is different from the previous enzyme. It can be stated that water is added by the enzyme and then the ammonia or CO₂ can eliminate the water to innovate the double bonds in the cells of human beings.
Oxidoreductases: This type of enzyme can catalyze the reaction related to the oxidation. In this context, it can be stated that the electrons try to move from one molecule to another.
Hydrolases: This is also considered as the enzymes which are related to the hydrolytic type. This enzyme basically catalyzes the reactions which are associated with the hydrolysis process by adding the water.
Isomerases: This is the other type of the enzymes and the structural shifts of the molecules can be catalyzed by the particular enzyme and try to change the shape of the molecules.
Ligases: This enzyme is related to the legation process which can help to charge the catalysis function.
Definition of enzyme
In a basic way, the enzymes refer to the polymers which are biological in nature and catalyze the reactions which are biochemical and affect the internal functions of the human beings. It is observed that the metabolism process of human beings can be related to the enzymes. The other important thing of the discussion is that all types of enzymes have capabilities related to the catalysing process which is important to play an effective role in various processes. Mainly the role of enzymes in the internal part of human beings is to change the substrates into other types of molecules.
Difference between classes and functions of enzyme
There are some differences between the classes and the functions of enzymes. These differences are given below:
Firstly, classes describe the specific types of the enzymes which are relevant for human beings. On the other hand, functions define the activities of the types of enzymes and these activities are equally important.
Secondly, it can be stated that classes are considered as the methods related to the enzymes but the functions are described as the associated part of particular classes.
Finally, it is observed that the classes of the enzymes are nothing but a structure. Conversely, function can fulfill the purpose of the classes of enzymes.
Difference between virtual base class and virtual function
It is noticed that there are also some differences between virtual base class and virtual function. These differences are discussed below:
Virtual based classes are the ways which are associated with virtual inheritance. It can be stated that these types of classes can stop the various instances of a given class which can appear with the help of a hierarchy. On the other hand, in the context of the virtual function, it can be stated that the virtual function is based on the virtual classes and this type of function is called the member function and this can try to define the description of derived classes. Normally, this type of function is followed by the classes which are virtual and the function is also overridden.
From the above study, it can be concluded that there are basically two types of the enzymes as transferases and hydrolases. There are some biochemical features of those main types of the enzymes. As per the feature of the transferases, it can be stated that it can help the functional groups of enzymes to transport them amongst the molecules of the cells which are donors and the acceptors. On the other hand, it can be summarized that the hydrolases types of enzymes may try to catalyze the hydrolysis reaction with the help of addition of water to create the bonding of the molecules. Amylase is the other type of enzyme which can try to convert the starches into sugars.On the other hand, maltase is also an enzyme situated in the saliva of human beings.