Kerala PSC » Kerala PSC Study Materials » Arithmetic » NUMBERS -TEST OF DIVISIBILITY


Divisibility rules refer to a mathematical technique that is used by students to divide any numbers and digits. This rule gives assurance whether a number is divided by a number or not.


Divisibility rules is a mathematical equation that is developed through the use of different types of statistical calculation. Besides, divisibility rules are used to value that an integer is divisible by a fixed divisor without performing the whole divisibility process. These rules are used when an integer is given and in response to that integer, many divisors are given. It is not easy for a person to divide those integers with all given dividers. Divisibility rules are used by a person to identify actual answers among different divisors. Many divisibility rules are formulated from 2 to 13 nevertheless, many more divisibility rules also exist. Besides, it must be observed that the divisor divides n numbers without giving any numeric digit such as other than zero. Here the reminder should be zero otherwise divisibility rules are not suitable for that statistical data.


What is the “test of divisibility rules”?

Test of divisibility rules is mainly performed without preparing a long worksheet for the divisibility process. Mainly this rule is suitable for performing the divisibility process within a few seconds or a few minutes. Students use this rule to select the right answer among the massive numbers of answers given in the worksheet. Students use this shortcut trick to save their time in examinations and perform calculations of massive numbers of questions. Further, students calculate and perform the divisibility process faster than other steps that are taken to perform divisibility.  

What is the “test of divisibility for 5”? 

The test of divisibility of 5 is suggested by a given number that is divided by 5. The last digit should be 5 or 0, which is the main condition of the divisibility rule of 5. Besides the reminder should be zero and it is used to check the divisibility of long numbers that consist of 4 or 5 digits. 

What is the “test of divisibility for 3”? 

Students have to face the issue of selecting the right answer when they get an even number and that is divided through a complicated calculation process. The divisibility rules of 3 stated that students are required to calculate the sum of all digits. The sum of the calculation must be divided by 3 without giving a reminder. In this case, the reminder should be zero and students are able to perform the whole calculation within a few seconds. 

What is the “test of divisibility for 8”?

The divisibility rule of 8 indicates that the last three digits should be divided by 8 or maybe 000. This is the first condition of divisibility rules of 8 and this is a useful trick when students are required to perform massive calculations in minimum time and period. 

What is the “test of divisibility for 11”?

The divisibility rules of 11 are more complicated than other numeric digits divisibility rules nevertheless. This trick also saves students time when they are performing disability rules.  The divisibility rules of 11 suggest that someone digit of numbers with just preceding of that digits and perform this equation till the numbers do not become two digits. After performing these equations students are required to divide and calculate numbers with 11. Nevertheless, it must be noticed that the reminder should be zero in this case. 

Which numbers divisibility rules are more used? 

The divisibility rules consider when students are faced with an issue to identify the right answer among four or five answers. This rule is more suitable and benefits those students who are selected to answer through multiple-choice questions.  As mainly 2 to 13 number’s divisibility rules are available nevertheless, divisibility rules of 7, 9 11 and 13 are more used as compared with disability rules due the process of division and numbers by these numbers are more complex and take massive time.  Whereas the divisibility rule of 5, 2 and 10 are less used by students as the divisibility process of these is mainly easy as compared with divisibility rules of other even and odd numbers.


It has been concluded that the divisibility rule plays a significant role to save time as well as giving assurance to select and disable numbers among different numbers. Further, students are also used to these divisibility rules to check the chance of divisibility by one digit. This sure is nothing but a mathematical equation that is used to divide any digital with more accuracy within seconds and save time in the examination period. The divisibility rule is mainly used to perform science and mathematics-related questions. Therefore, it is more suitable for the mathematical approach as the mathematical approach consists of massive numbers of calculations. Further, divisibility rules are used in some coding and decoding process that is used for developing software and technology.  Finally, it is summarised that all-important disability rules are discussed in the above paragraph.