Marking Scheme

This article contains all relevant information regarding the marking scheme for stenographer in the Kerala Tourism Development Corporation Limited.

Marking Scheme For KTDC Stenographers 2022

Exam Pattern and Marking Scheme for KTDC Stenographers in 2022

Let us first get a general concept of the pattern of the exam and marking method before discussing the KTDC Stenographer curriculum 2022. The KTDC Stenographer exam is an online exam with three portions and an objective type of paper. The exam will be administered online with objective-style questions and will be divided into three sections: reasoning, general understanding, and English.

SubjectQuestionsMaximum MarksTotal DurationTime Allowed 
General Awareness50502 hours

2 Hours 40 Mins


General Intelligence & Reasoning 5050
General English100100

Stenography Test and Skill Test for KTDC Stenographer 2022

Candidates who receive a passing score on the written exam must take the KTDC Stenographer Skill Test. For Grade C and Grade D, the KTDC Stenographer Cut Off marks differ.

Candidates will be narrated a paragraph in English or Hindi at the following speed, depending on the choice they selected on the application form.

  • 80 (w.p.m) for 8 minutes for SSC Steno Group ‘D’
  • 100 (w.p.m) for 10 minutes for SSC Steno Group ‘C’