Eligibility Criteria

If you are applying for the post of Typist then do check out the eligibility criteria. Read more and check every minute criteria for being eligible for Typist post.

Eligibility criteria for Typist Post

A Typist is an individual who has the ability to operate the keyboard of a computer, and also is able to write out letters. He or she is mainly responsible to type the records, documents, and important letters at the workplace. Typists are very much in demand in this modern era of digital age. This is mainly because the need for typing is increasing day by day. The high speed of typing is necessary to record information and hence must be able to type quickly. Typists are also needed in various government departments, call centers and banks. Typists require good accuracy, speed, and memory power. The Kerala Public Service Commission (Kerala PSC) is the official recruiting institution that hires applicants on a yearly basis. The applicants are evaluated based on their performance in the written test, and they are then interviewed.

The job description of a typist

A typist is an individual who has got higher education with a good knowledge and skills in typing. They have learned the skill of typing in order to use typewriters as well as computers. They are also required to use their knowledge regarding proper grammatical usage too. Typists are required to work in secretarial services offices, typing and editing documents etc. in offices and institutions. Candidates who are looking for job opportunities in Government Sector or Private sector should apply for Typist Posts. The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) has announced that it is going to conduct an exam on behalf of the Kerala PSC in order to recruit 5,000 Typist Posts.

Eligibility Criteria 2022 

In order to apply for the position of a Typist, the applicant must fulfill the following criteria: 

  1. Applicants who are interested in becoming a must have a high school diploma or its equivalent. Candidates who are interested in this position should visit the Kerala PSC website at www. kpsc.gov.in to find out more information about eligibility criteria, exam dates and other information regarding this post.
  2. Applicants also need to make sure that they keep up with all of their academic requirements so that they can qualify for this position since it can be hard to obtain an education after being hired as an officer. Below are the details regarding the eligibility criteria including the educational qualifications and the age limit that the candidates have to follow to apply for this recruitment.

Educational Qualifications

Applicants must have passed SSLC and should have a lower grade certificate in English typing and computer word processing and lower grade certificate in Malayalam typewriting. 

Age Limit

Applicants have to be at least 18 years of age but prior to the time that they apply for the Typist, they can be as young as 17 but it is recommended that you reach that age before the application period. Applicants have to be below 41 years of age to apply for the position.


The position of a Typist is one that you might like because it allows you to get to do a lot of paperwork and it will not involve fighting in any wars. If you are interested in becoming a Typist and are hoping to apply for this position, then make sure that you visit the Kerala PSC site to find out the latest updates and other information about the position.