
In this article, you will find out the ways to download your Assistant Salesman exam result and use it in future. Read this article till the end.

Assistant Salesman Exam Results

Kerala PSC Results

After appearing in Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) exams, lakhs of students wait for the results. It gets declared by the KPSC itself. Follow these steps to check your result-

  • You have to open the official website of KPSC –
  • Once you open the website, you will find an option of ‘Results’, click on it
  • After clicking on the ‘Results’ tab, you will see another option of “Exam Marks”
  • Fill in the required details like registration number, captcha, etc
  • You can also download the merit list and find your roll number in the list by pressing “CTRL+F” from your keyboard in the search bar at the top of the screen


After the results, most of the posts will be doing direct recruitment of selected candidates, for posts like Assistant Professor, Agronomist, Scientific Officer of Physics, Chemistry and Maths separately, Fisheries Extension Officer, Administrative Officer, Medical Social Worker, Regional Manager, Post of Matron for Women only, Computer Assistant Grade-II, Fire and Rescue Officer, Sales Assistant, Statistical Assistant Grade, Oversee Grade 3, etc. 

Once the result is declared, candidates are asked for the Document Verification and some medical fitness test is conducted to check if the candidate meets the parameter required for the post.

In the document verification process, candidates have to submit the necessary documents as per the eligibility for the post including the ID proof, mark sheets of required academic classes, and all other necessary documents to prove the validity of candidature. In the same way, sometimes a language proficiency test is conducted to measure the communication skills of the candidate. After going through all these processes, an allotment letter is given to the respective candidate. KPSC usually selects little more than the number of vacancies, so that if the candidature of a selected candidate is doubtful or the candidate is declared ineligible for the post due to some malpractices, another candidate is appointed in place of that rejected candidate. 

Here, we have narrated all the necessary information about the result of KPSC. Results are much awaited by lakhs of students who appear in the examinations conducted by the commission. Keep checking our page for all necessary updates and information about the exam. Stay connected with us and keep preparing for your bright future. All the best!