The World Health Organisation leads the developing countries in terms of health affairs. It was founded in 1948 in the United Nations. It decides the parameters for health standards and monitors the health trends. It is responsible for conducting health education programs and publishing scientific research papers and reports. It sets the standard of controlling diseases, education and research programs, medicine, and health care. The World Health Organisation has the responsibility of providing guidance, technical support to the developing countries and formulating policies based on health affairs. It aims at achieving the highest level of health and maintaining world safety and dealing with vulnerability.
The precise history of the World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation was established in 1948 for improving the health standards of the public. At the initial stage, this Organisation dealt with diseases like Malaria, HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Nutrition, and sanitization of children and women. This organisation consists of many Member States. The member states would get guidance and monitoring from this Organisation regarding the different types of diseases so that the health standards of the common people could improve. The World Health Organisation collaborated with the governmental and non-governmental Organisations of the member states to create awareness programs. The rules, regulations, and policies for managing diseases were formulated by the organisation which had to be followed by the different member states. The World Health Organization played vital roles during disease outbreaks like Yellow fever, Plague and others. Recently the world faced a crisis that started due to the spread of the Novel CoronaVirus, popularly known as COVID-19. The headquarters of the World Health Organization comprised thousands of doctors, managers, administrators, and others. This organisation consists of around 194 member countries.
World Health Organisation Headquarters
The World Health Organisation was established in April 1948. The headquarters of the Organisation is in Geneva. Geneva is located in Switzerland. The headquarters controls the entire operations process of the other branches and gives out directions and commands. The Organisation has different departments that look after different aspects of the Organisation. The headquarter monitors and governs those departments.
Director general of World Health Organisation
The Director-General of the World Health Organisation is nominated by the Executive Board and the appointment is done by the World Health Assembly. The voting method is undertaken for the appointment. The Member States participate in the election process. It is the responsibility of the Director-General to look after the technical and administrative policies of the Organization. The Director-General is appointed for a tenure of 5 years. The current Director-General is Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who was elected in 2017.
Role of World Health Organisation during COVID-19 outbreak
It has been difficult for the Organization to deal with the Novel CoronaVirus at the initial stage. The Novel CoronaVirus had been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization. As per the responsibility of the World Health Organisation, it worked towards spreading awareness to the world and suggesting ways to pass through the crisis. It worked towards developing the vaccine and developing different strategies irrespective of the social and economic challenges.
The strategies prepared by the organisation and the plan of action suggested needed to be implemented in the different countries that were suffering from the outbreak of the pandemic. The guidance for the operations of these strategies was provided by the organisation. The World Health Organisation partnered with all the countries in their drive of developing vaccines and diagnostic improvement. The organisation is still playing a vital role in dealing with the different variants of the virus that is returning in the form of waves. Looking after the different equipment required for the diagnostic process, strategies for controlling the spread of the disease, policies for international travel, and others are being performed by WHO.
Assistive Technology of the World Health Organisation
The World Health Organisation has different assistive technologies for providing better health standards and independent living to the specially-abled. It includes the different types of hearing aids, wheelchairs, prosthetics, communication aids, memory aids, and others. Assistive technology not only helps the individual in independent living; it also contributes to socio-economic development.
The World Health Organisation was established in April 1948 in the United Nations. The headquarters of this Organisation is in Geneva, Switzerland. The World Health Assembly is presided over by the Director-General. He is nominated by the Executive Board and appointed by the World Health Assembly. It is his responsibility to look after the technical and administrative policies of the Organisation.
The Member States of the Organisation vote to elect the Director-General. It is the responsibility of the World Health Organisation to provide guidance and assistance in providing education on health and research based on health. It sets the parameters of health standards, the medicines, and provides technical support to developing countries. The World Health Organisation has a vital role to play during medical crises and pandemic outbreaks.