Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict

The article discusses the conflicts between “Nagorno-Karabakh” (NK), the conflicts generated between two countries “Armenia and Azerbaijan.”

The Azerbaijan government has conducted military operations in the NK region; the maximum population of that region is Armenian. They want to be a part of Armenia, the policy changed in Azerbaijan and their military attacks on the NK region and captured some of the areas in NK. Many soldiers are killed and the people in the NK region have been displaced from their location. The attack is started by the Azerbaijani and they avoid the appeal from the “international community.” 

“Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict” (NKC)

NK is part of the country Azerbaijan; however, most of the people belong from Armenia. In 1980, the “soviet union” (SV) saw that the tension was increasing in that region, therefore SV voted for NK to become part of Armenia. NK has remained a part of Azerbaijan however the region is controlled by the ethnic Armenians. The Armenian governments provide support to the “Ethnic Armenian” (EA). The international powers are not able to establish a peace agreement in the area. The Christians are the majority in Armenia while the Muslims are the majority in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan has a good relationship with Turkey while Armenia has a good relationship with Russia. 

The different powers in the different regions such as Christian and Muslim, both of them have tried to control the area. In 1920, both the countries “Azerbaijan and Armenia” have become part of the “soviet union” (SV). NK has the ethnic majority in the Armenian region; however, the SV has given the power to Azerbajaijni authorities to control the NK region. IN 1980, the NK parliament voted to become part of Armenia. Azerbaijan wants to suppress the movement that has been created by the NK people, while Armenia has backed it. The conflicts are created between the two countries that NK wants to become a part of Armenia while Azerbaijan wants to suppress the movement created by the people. The conflicts create a war situation between both counties. Thousands of soldiers have died from both sides and millions of people have been displaced, and Armenian forces gain control of the NK area. 

Armenia Azerbaijan conflict 

NK peoples want to be a part of Armenia however the location of NK is situated in the part of Azerbaijan. Turkey has provided support to the Azerbaijani country as is Azerbaijan is the Muslim majority country. The war has been started between Azerbaijan and Armenia however Turkey has participated in the war and provided support to Azerbaijan. Armenia has a security contract with Russia; therefore after the attack from Turkey, Russia has broken the ceasefire contract. However, Russia has not provided support for the NK region; they have started the strike Syria that is against the Turkish militants. Armenian believe that establishing peace in the NK is impossible without the participation of the NK population. 

Azerbaijan has never heeded the “international community” appeals to stop military action and create peace in the region. In the war, Azerbaijan has occupied the region of Shahumyan and some of the eastern parts of the NK. The NK security force creates the buffer zone to stop the firing from the Azeri side. In 1994 Azerbaijan, NK, and Armenia signed a ceasefire to establish peace in the area. The “conflict settlement negotiations” have a framework of “OSCE Minsk Group.” They have provided many settlement proposals to Azerbaijan however they have refused them all. Recently in 2007, the negotiation was represented by co-chairs on the Madrid proposal. 


The conflict of the Nagorno-Karabakh is between “Azerbaijan” and “Armenia.” After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the conflict has increased more in the area. In the part of Nagorno-Karabakh, many people are “Armenians” however the location is situated in the Azerbaijan parts. Turkey and Azerbaijan have similar cultures; they have provided support to the country and Azerbaijani has captured the area. Lots of the Armenians’ have to be displaced from their house and approx 20,000 soldiers have died. With the guidance of Russia, they have signed the agreement to stop the wars however it is not a permanent solution for both countries. 


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