Razia Sultan

Razia Sultan who has also been known as Razia Sultana was a ruler of Delhi Sultanate. She is known as the first and last female ruler of Delhi.

The only female ruler of Delhi Sultanate had her reign from 10th November 1236 to 14th October 1240. Jalalat-ud-Din Razia has been bestowed title of “Sultan” in year 1236 and has been known to be the first Muslim woman who gave up pardah and her traditional Muslim attire. Razia Sultan has also been seen to adopt gender-neutral attire. Besides being a female ruler, giving up gender-specific attire by Razia has caused conservative Muslims of that time to feel enraged.

Razia Sultan

Razia Sultan is known as first and last female ruler of Mamluk Dynasty and has also been known to have a very small span of reign. Reign of Razia Sultan has been seen to be of approx four years however, within these years Razia Sultan has made some progress in spite of being hated by conservative Muslims. Adoption of a more male-like attire and refusal of being addressed as “Sultana” have been known to be two major causes of other conservative Muslims’ rage. Razia refused to be addressed as “Sultana” as the literal meaning of Sultana is defined as mistress or wife of a Sultan. Razia Sultan has also been known as one of very few female rulers of different Islamic civilizations in the whole world. Razia Sultan has been well trained in warfare and was taught military skills from her childhood. These skills of Razia have been helpful to her in taking responsibility for the throne.

Razia Sultan during her reign has also been seen to order coins to be imprinted with her title as “Pillar of Women, Queen of the Times, Sultan Razia, Daughter of Shamsuddin LLtutmish”. Depending on Indian History, it can be seen that the father of Razia Sultan belongs to any noble family. It has also been seen that her ancestors are of Turkish Seljuk slaves. Being a ruler of a Slave Dynasty, reign of Razia Sultan has also been seen to challenge foundation of classes in a society.

Family Background of Razia Sultan

Reign of Qutub al-Din Aibak has set the foundation of Mamluk Dynasty in Delhi. This Dynasty has also been known as Slave Dynasty as Aibak was also a slave who climbed up the ranks and succeeds his predecessor. Father of Razia Sultan arrived in Delhi in Qutub al-Din Aibak’s reign. LLtutmish displayed honesty and bravery as a confidante of Qutub al-Din Aibak. These characteristics of ILtutmish have helped him to obtain the hand of Qutub al-Din Aibak’s daughter.

Razia Sultan is the daughter of LLtutmish, who has been provisional governor of Qutub al-Din Aibak. Qutub al-Din Aibak died in 1210 in a Chaugan accident resulting in Aram Baksh, their son, to sit on the throne. Some Turkic nobles opposed Aram’s rule and invited LLtutmish to take the throne. LLtutmish took the throne from Aram in 1211 and ruled for approx 25 years in 1236. Razia Sultan is the daughter of LLtutmish, and has been seen to take the throne after her father died in 1236 as the oldest son of LLtutmish, Nasir-ud-Din Mahmud died in 1229. LLtutmish has been seen to nominate his daughter Razia as heir to the throne.

Contribution of Razia Sultan as a Women Ruler of Delhi

Razia Sultan who has been known as first last Muslim woman ruler of Delhi has been seen to be proud of her kingdom and has also been seen to try to strengthen her kingdom by conquering other territories. Razia Sultan has been seen to conquer other territories apart from her own kingdom. Razia has also been known for her secularism. Reign of Razia has also seen some improvements in administration. Razia in her kingdom has established public libraries, schools and academics and has also been seen to promote different subjects other than religious studies. These improvements in administration of her kingdom caused some Turkish nobles to rebel against her. Based on a conspiracy led by these Turkish nobles and Razia’s brother, Muizuddin Bahram Shah, Razia was captured and her brother took the throne. Soon after, governor of Bhatinda, Malik Altunia fell in love with Razia and married her. Malik Altunia planned a siege to win Razia back her kingdom but was defeated on 13th October, 1240. Razia and Malik fled Delhi after being defeated and have died unfortunate deaths by some Hindu Jats. Both of them were robbed and murdered and resting places for both of them are still unknown to date. Razia Sultan has also been known for her unbiasedness and bravery. Razia as the first and last Muslim woman ruler of Delhi has been seen to be recalled in different folklores to date. Contributions of Razia Sultan have also been seen to be spread across distant lands.


This assignment concluded life history of first and last Muslim women ruler of Delhi, Razia Sultan. Life history of Razia Sultan has been shed light on in this assignment. Family background of Razia Sultan has also been concluded in this assignment where achievements of her family members have also been concluded. Different administrative changes which have been seen as great contributions of Razia Sultan in her reign have also been concluded here. The reign of Razia Sultan and her contributions have been established well in this assignment.


Frequently asked questions

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What is the official name of Razia Sultan?

Ans. Official name of Razia Sultan is Jalalat-ud-Din Raziya.

What was ordered to be printed on coins in Razia Sultan’s Reign?

Ans. Razia Sultan ordered, “Pillar of Women, Queen of the Times, Sultan Razia, Daughter of Shamsuddin ILtutmish” to be pri...Read full

Who is the father of Razia Sultan?

Ans. ILtutmish is the father of Razia Sultan.

Who married Razia Sultan?

Ans. Malik Altunia married Razia Sultan.