Mahmud of Ghazni

Mahmud Ghazni was the ruler or the sultan of the Ghaznavid Empire and was born in the city of Ghazni in Afghanistan.

UNSC recommends the entry of any new members to the General Assembly and is also related to the approval of the various UN charters. This organ was created after the Second World War when the League of Nations failed to maintain international peace. Initially, when the UN was born on 24 October 1945, the UNSSC had only five permanent members. However, the UNSC failed to maintain peace during the period of the cold war. The UN charter, in clear terms, defines the responsibility of the Security Council. The Council looks after the various crises across the globe. It focuses on different factors and tries to promote peace in the world. 

Purpose of United Nations Security Council 

The main focus of the Security Council is to foster peace and security on the international level. Other than this, it also focuses on a variety of issues such as cases of ceasefire where parties commit themselves to maintain peace to carry on several political settlements, the reflection of the various political goals that are mentioned in the mandates. The formulation of a precise mandate for the UN is important task of the Council. It also tries to implement proper security and safety of the UN personnel. The Council adopts for ‘’Security Council Resolution’’ so that proper mandates can be formulated. It further monitors the UN peace operations related to periodic reports and sessions of the UNSC. 

UNSC was constituted in 1945 after the League of Nations failed to maintain global peace. It is directly related to the recommendations in the General Assembly. It investigates and scrutinizes the situational disputes that lead to conflict at the international or global level. The UNSC also makes the necessary recommendation for the appointment of the Secretary-General and the election of the judges of the ‘’International Court of Justice.” It further looks after the different military authoritative actions and enacts the sanctions in the international market. But its main purpose is related to international peacemaking. 

Importance of Security Council 

This is a premier international body that is only concerned with security and peace. It also chalks out several plans to meet and mitigate the various risks and challenges associated with the 21st century. This organ of the UN is mainly related to dealing with the various types of crisis management across the world. It further accesses the common threats of civil wars, international security, arms proliferation, natural disaster and terrorism. It focuses on the ‘’equitable geographical distribution’’ of the various natural resources. It tries hard to end the war and make peace among the countries in conflict. It has many peacekeeping forces to reinforce peace in the country. 

Veto Power 

The veto power is exclusive to the members of the Security Council. It takes place mostly during the deadlock situations in the case of ‘’substantive resolutions’’. Usually, each member has the power to cast one vote. But decisions relating to procedural matters would be made by affirmative notes of 9 members of the UNSC. All five permanent members have implemented their veto power to pass a resolution. In case, any of the five permanent members votes against the motion, the whole bill gets cancelled. This special power is termed veto, which is enjoyed only by the permanent members. So, for passing a resolution, it is essential that all the permanent members vote for the motion. 

Members of United Nations Security Council 

The Council is mainly composed of 15 members, of which 5 are permanent members, and 10 are non-permanent members. The UNSC has five permanent members: France, Russia, China, the United States and the United Kingdom. The General assembly elects the ten non-permanent members of the UNSC every two years. The ten non-permanent members are as follows: Gabon, Ghana, Ireland, Mexico, Kenya, India, Brazil, Albania, United Arabs Emirates (UAE) and Norway. The other countries are part of its non-council member states. 


The UNSC is mainly concerned with maintaining peace and security all over the world. It came into existence after the Second World War when the League of Nations failed to play an active role. It has 15 members, among which five members are permanent, and the rest ten temporary members get voted or elected by the General assembly every two years. It also looks after sensitive issues related to ceasefire, mandate formulations or election of the members of the General assembly and the election of the judges of the International Court. 


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When did Muhammad Gazni attack India for the first time?

Ans:“Mahmud Ghazni invaded India for the first time in 1001...Read full

When did the last invasion of Ghazni took place?

Ans :The final campaign of Mahmud was in 1026 AD when the sultan was 55 years old. The sultan was s...Read full