Delhi Sultanate was the Islamic Empire, mainly situated in Delhi, which extended with a large part of Southern Asia and the emperor of this empire had ruled in Delhi for 320 years, from 1206 to 1526.

The Delhi Sultanate was one of the famous empires during more than three centuries in Northern India and the empire was stretched up to the larger part of Southern Asia. The Delhi Sultanate was established by Qutb-ud-din Aibak in 1206. He was the first emperor and the founder of the Mamluk Dynasty and the Delhi Sultanate. From another aspect, as per the opinion of some historians, the Aibak or the Mamluk dynasty was also called the Slave dynasty. After the ruling of the Mamluk Dynasty, there were four more dynasties in the Delhi Sultanate, therefore, it can be said that a total of five dynasties ruled in the Delhi Sultanate. Therefore the entire dynasties were:

  • Mamluk or Slave Dynasty (1206-1290)

  • Khilji Dynasty (1290-1320)

  • Tughlaq Dynasty (1320-1414)

  • Sayyid Dynasty (1414-1451)

  • Lodi Dynasty (1451-1526) 

These are the five dynasties of the Delhi Sultanate and the factors and fame related to all of the dynasties will be discussed and described in this assignment. 

Concept and Background of Delhi Sultanate

The Delhi Sultanate was the empire for three centuries and the kingdom of the short-lived emperors who mainly originated from Turkey and Afghanistan and they ruled in the Delhi capital from 1206 to 1526 CE. After 1526 CE, the last emperor of the Delhi Sultanate, Ibrahim Lodiwas defeated and thrown by the Mughal emperor Babur in the battle of Panipat and the Mughal Empire was established by replacing the Delhi Sultanate in the year 1526. The entire ruling period of the Delhi Sultanate 1206 to 1526 was called the “period of cultural intermixing”.  

Dynasty and Emperors of Delhi Sultanate

Dynasty of Delhi Sultanate 

Time Span of the Dynasty

Emperors of the Dynasty

Famous Incidents

Mamluk or Slave Dynasty 


  • Qutb-ud-din Aibak

  • Shams-ud-din Iltutmish

  • Razia Begum

  • Muizuddin Bahram Shah

  • Alauddin Masud Shah

  • Nasiruddin Mahmud

Ottoman-Mamluk War (1485-1491)

Ottoman-Mamluk War (1516-1517) 

Khalji Dynasty


  • Jalal-ud-din Khilji

  • Alauddin Khilji

  • Mubarak Khilji

Attacks of Ranthambore



Tughlaq Dynasty


  • Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq

  • Muhammad Bin Tughlaq

  • Firuz Shah Tughlaq

  • Nasiruddin Mahmud

Attacks of

Timur (Tamerlane)

Turco-Mongol trespasser 

Sayyid Dynasty


  • Khizr Khan

  • Mubarak Shah

  • Muhammad Shah

  • Alam Shah


Lodi Dynasty


  • Bahlol Lodi

  • Sikander Lodi

  • Ibrahim Lodi

Battle of Panipat

Table 1: The Dynasties and Emperors of Delhi Sultanate

(Source: Self-Created)

The above table is the timeline and major presentation of the Delhi Sultanate related to the span of the dynasties and the emperors of the dynasties. In that case, it can be said that the emperors of the Delhi Sultanate are one of the major chapter and discussion-able factors in Indian History before the Mughal Empire. There were various famous and notable wars during the emperor of the Khilji dynasty and Alauddin Khilji was one of the famous emperors for his achievements in the battles and his cruel nature and activities on the defeated people after the battle. Moreover, the various factors regarding the Delhi sultanate and the famous creations and descriptions of wars will be discussed later in this assignment.   

The Famous Creations of the Dynasties in Delhi Sultanate

The duration of the Delhi Sultanate in India had introduced the mixture of Indian and Islamic culture regarding the architecture and the various cultural factors. The various domes and arches were created in that period with the mixed values and cultural inspiration Indo-Islamic culture. Moreover, various types of technological creations were established at that time. The creation of Ginning (the process of extracting seed), Carding (the process of losing fibers), Spinning (the process of making yarn). These processes have helped society to make various improvements in textile engineering and industries. Moreover, various famous architectural creations had been done during the Delhi sultanate.

  • Qutub Minar(Iltutumish)

  • Tomb of Balban

  • Alai Darwaza (Alauddin Khilji)

  • Tughlaqabad

  • Jammat Khana Masjid (Khizr Khan)

  • Tomb of Hazarat Nizamuddin Aulia (Alauddin Khilji)

  • Quwwat-ul-Islam Mosque (Qutub-ud-din Aibek)

Social Structures During Delhi Sultanate

The society was divided into various sections and segments during the ruling of Delhi Sultanate. There were four segments and sections in the social structure of the society in the Delhi people. There were various people and features in the four different segments.

Nobles (Aristocrats) 

This was the most wealthy and most famous group of the entire society. The sultan and his relatives and the merchants, bankers and almost all of the wealthy and rich people were enlisted in that group. All of the people lived in the luxurious and popular places of the city.  


The brahmins and ulemas were enlisted in this group. This group was given tax-free land and accommodations by the sultan, therefore, they were also wealthy. 

Towns People

Townspeople were merchants, businessmen and wealthy people. Since the nobles were lived in the town they had become part of the administration. 


This was the lowest segment of the social hierarchy of the Delhi sultanate. The people in this group were lived in the village and they had to pay the taxes for the state and the revenue. 

Famous Emperors and Their Achievements Sultanate

Firaz Shah Tughlaq was one of the famous and popular emperors regarding his work and activities in the Delhi sultanate. However, Muhammad bin Tughlaq was the wisest emperor of the Delhi sultanate and he was accused as the wise foolish king for his unrealistic decisions. The empire of the Delhi sultanate was most expanded during the ruling of Alauddin Khilji and he was the emperor who conducted most of the battles of Delhi Sultanate.

Figure 1: The Empire of Delhi Sultanate During the Ruling of Alauddin Khilji



As per all the above descriptions, the various crucial factors has been described in this assignment. Moreover, the notable and famous creations and incidents are also enlisted in this assignment that making the assignment more appropriate and accurate.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Karnataka PSC Examination Preparation.

What was the duration of the Delhi Sultanate?

Ans. Three centuries (1206-1526)

Who was the famous and greatest Emperor of Delhi Sultanate?

Ans. Firoz Shah Tughlaq

Who were the founder and last emperors of the Delhi Sultanate?

Ans. Qutub-ud-din Aibek and Ibrahim Lodi