Judiciary Exam 2023 » What Happens After Clearing Judiciary Exam?

What Happens After Clearing Judiciary Exam?

What Happens After Clearing Judiciary Exam? Discover what comes next after successfully clearing the judiciary exam. Learn about career prospects, selection processes, and essential steps.

Are you gearing up for the upcoming judiciary exams in 2023? Curious to learn about the next steps once you clear the exam? Look no further, this is the right destination for you.

Clearing the judiciary exam is a significant accomplishment for aspiring legal professionals. It marks a milestone in their journey towards a career in the judiciary. However, it is essential to understand what happens after clearing the exam and the subsequent steps to be taken. 

This guide aims to provide insights into the post-exam phase, including career prospects, selection processes, and crucial steps to be aware of. Whether you have recently cleared the judiciary exam or are considering it in the future, this guide helps you navigate your way toward a successful judicial career. 

Understanding The Judicial Services Examination

The Judicial Services Examination is a multi-stage process. Let’s break down the different stages and their significance.

  • Judicial Services Examination – Preliminary: This initial stage consists of objective-type questions designed to screen candidates for the next round. However, the marks obtained in this stage are not considered for the final selection.
  • Judicial Services Examination – Main: After clearing the prelim, candidates proceed to the main exams. These exams, which usually take place a few weeks after the declaration of prelim results, are subjective in nature. The marks scored in the main exams are crucial and considered for the final selection.
  • Judicial Services Examination Interview: The final stage of the selection process involves a comprehensive interview. Here, candidates are assessed based on their general interests, intelligence, personality, and other relevant factors.

Once an aspiring candidate successfully clears all these stages and qualifies for the merit list, they can join their respective state’s judicial academy for a year-long training program to become a Judge.

During this training, candidates receive instruction on legal and judicial procedures, the responsibilities and powers associated with the position, as well as the conduct expected of a judge. Upon completing the training, the candidates are appointed as judges of lower courts or tribunals, ready to fulfil their roles in the justice system.

It is important for aspirants to understand and prepare for each stage of the Judicial Services Examination to increase their chances of becoming successful judges and serving the judiciary with integrity and competence.


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the Judiciary Exam 2023.

Q: What is the Judicial Services Examination?

A: The Judicial Services Examination is a competitive exam conducted to select candidates for judicial positions in ...Read full

Q: What are the stages of the Judicial Services Examination?

A: The examination typically consists of a preliminary exam, a main exam, and an interview or personality assessment...Read full

Q: Are the marks obtained in the preliminary exam considered for the final selection?

A: No, the marks secured in the preliminary exam are usually used only for screening purposes and not considered in ...Read full

Q: How important are the marks obtained in the main exam?

A: The marks scored in the main exam are crucial as they are considered for the final selection of candidates....Read full

Q: What happens after successfully clearing all the stages of the Judicial Services Examination?

A: Candidates who clear all stages and qualify for the merit list may join their respective state’s judicial a...Read full