GRE Exam » GRE Exam New Changes

GRE Exam New Changes

Check out this article to learn about the GRE Exam New Changes and other relevant details.

The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General test format has been revised. The total duration has been cut short to  1 hour 58 minutes from the earlier 4 hours. The changed format will be introduced from 22nd September 2023. GRE is conducted for admission to various graduate programs and B-schools across the world. 

New GRE 

The GRE examination has undergone some appreciable changes. These changes are introduced to better assess the candidates and their skills needed in graduate studies.

The key changes introduced are mentioned below:

  • Duration of the exam

The total test time has been reduced to  1 hour 58 minutes from the earlier 4 hours. This will help the candidates focus and perform better. 

  • Simplified Analytical Writing Task

Earlier, 2 analytical writing essays had to be tackled. Under the new format, only 1 essay has to be written. Although it makes this task more demanding as the candidate has to offer a very thoughtful and well-constructed argument, the relief of writing only one analysis is immense. 

  • Revised Quantitative and Verbal Sections

The number of questions in the Quantitative Reasoning and Verbal Reasoning sections have been reduced from 40 to 27 questions per section. This decrease will provide the candidates with more time per question and allow them to analyze and answer more precisely. 

  • Removal of Analysing an Argument Essay

The task of analyzing an argument essay has been eliminated. Now the candidate is expected to construct his/ her analytical essay and not focus on someone else’s argument and write accordingly. 

Shorter GRE

The students taking the examination from 22-Sep-2023 onwards will reap the benefits of the revised GRE format. The revised format is student-friendly. Cutting the test time by half has made the experience for the candidates less harrowing. They can focus better and hence perform better. The new streamlined approach allows the candidates to analyze and answer precisely. It is a welcome change that will result in enhanced performance by the candidates. 

Comparison Between New GRE and Previous GRE

Comparison between the new GRE and the previous GRE is given below: 

Component Shorter GRE Previous  GRE
Analytical Writing tasks
  • 1 essay task (30 minutes) Analyze an Issue task only
2 essay tasks (60 minutes) – Includes “Analyze an Argument” and “Analyze an Issue” tasks
Number of Quantitative Reasoning questions 27 questions (47 minutes) 40 questions (70 minutes)
Number of Verbal Reasoning questions 27 questions (41 minutes) 40 questions (60 minutes)
Unscored Section Removed Varies
Scheduled Break No scheduled break A 10-minute break after the 2nd hour
Total Test Time 1 hour, 58 minutes (118 minutes) 3 hours, 45 minutes
Score Delivery Time 8 to 10 days 10 to 15 days


We hope this article has been helpful in providing details about the GRE Exam  Changes. The GRE examination is a gateway to various graduate programs and business schools.  The key changes made in the format will not only allow the candidates to perform better but also help make the assessment of their performance more accurate.


Frequently Asked Questions:

What are the changes being introduced in the new GRE format?

 The key changes introduced are mentioned below: ...Read full

When will the revised GRE format be introduced?

 The new GRE format (Shorter GRE test) will be introduced on 22nd...Read full

Are the GRE scores awarded immediately after the test?

No, the official GRE test scores are made available in the candidate’s ETS account 10 to 15 days after the test is...Read full

What is the duration of the GRE examination?

 The total test time has been reduced to  1 hour 58 minutes from the earlier 4 hours.  

Why is the GRE conducted?

 The GRE is conducted for admission to various graduate programs and B-schools across the world.