General Awareness » A Complete Biography of Vladimir Putin

A Complete Biography of Vladimir Putin

Read this article to know about Vladimir Putin, who served as Russia's President from 1999 to 2008 and from 2012 to the present.

Putin spent 16 years as a KGB foreign intelligence officer, before leaving in 1991 to pursue a political career in Saint Petersburg, he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel. He moved to Moscow in 1996 to join President Boris Yeltsin’s government. Prior to being appointed Prime Minister in August 1999, he temporarily served as Director of the Federal Security Service (FSB) and Secretary of the Security Council. Following Yeltsin’s resignation, Putin took over as acting President and was elected President for the first time less than four months later; in 2004, he was re-elected.

Early Life

On October 7, 1952, he was born in Leningrad ( Russia). Mr Putin is the third and the eldest of 3 children. Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin was his father, while Maria Ivanovna Putina was his mother. Spiridon Putin, Vladimir Putin’s grandfather, worked as a personal chef for both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. While Putin’s father was enlisted in the Soviet Navy, his mother worked at a factory. In the early 1930s, He was a member of the submarine fleet. His father also took part in the NKVD’s demolition battalion in the early days of World War II. He was later reassigned to the regular military and was seriously wounded in 1942.


From 1960 to 1968, he attended Leningrad’s Number 193 Primary School He went to High School Number 281 after the eighth grade. It was a magnet school focusing on chemistry run by a technical institution where he finished his studies in 1970.

He received his diploma in 1975. His dissertation topic was “In International Law, the Most Favoured Nation Trading Principle.” He continued to be a Communist Party member of the Soviet Union until it was disbanded. He met Anatoly Sobchak, an adjunct business law lecturer. Later, he co-wrote The Russian Constitution and French prosecutions for corruption. He married Lyudmila Shkrebneva, with whom he shares two children, Katerina and Mariya.


 Vladimir Putin’s mother is named Maria Shelomova. was a very kind and generous person. His father’s name is Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin. He fought in the war. He worked as a security guard and foreman at carriage manufacturing in the 1950s.

Putin married Lyudmila Shkrebneva on July 28, 1983, and the couple resided in East Germany from 1985 to 1990. Mariya Putina and Katerina Putina are their two daughters.

When Maria was born in Leningrad in 1985, Katerina was born in Germany in 1986, while her father was still in the KGB.

Early Career of Vladimir Putin

He served the KGB as a foreign intelligence agent. for almost 15 years, with six of those years spent in Dresden, East Germany. In 1990, he resigned from KGB duty with a colonel’s title. He left for Russia again to serve as a guardian of State University, where he was in charge of the institution’s external contacts.

He afterward became Sobchak’s advisor, St. Petersburg’s the city’s first publicly elected mayor. He won Sobchak’s trust and is popular for his ability to accomplish goals.

In 1994, he was appointed the first mayor. In 1996, he relocated to Moscow and became a member of the presidential team as the deputy, the Kremlin’s senior administrator. He grew close to Anatoly Chubais, a former Leningrader, and rose through the administrative ranks.

Political Career of Mr. Vladimir Putin

  • Vladimir Putin’s Firstly and Secondly Presidential Term (2000 to 2004 and 2004 to 2008).

Yeltsin suddenly on 31, December 1999 announced his retirement and appointed Putin interim President. Putin handily won the election, receiving around 53% of the ballot. As the President, he pledged to eliminate corruption while establishing a robust, market economy with rules. He soon reclaimed command of Russia’s 89 States and territories. Mr. Putin separated dividing them up into seven proposed federal districts, each led by a president-appointed delegate. He revoked regional governors’ privileges in order to serve on the Federal Assembly, Russia’s upper chamber of parliament.

  • Prime Minister Vladimir Putin (2008 to 2012)

In March 2008, Dmitry Medvedev won the presidential election., and Putin was named the leading figure in the United Russia Party. Within hours after assuming office on 7 May 2008, Medvedev appointed Mr. Putin as Prime Minister.

Medvedev publicly recommended that Putin run for President in 2012 on September 24, 2011, at the URS in Moscow. Putin approved this proposal. On the other hand, Putin was chosen to serve a 3 term as Russian President on March 4, 2012. He left as a chairman of United Russia and handed over Medvedev’s takes of party leadership. On May 7, 2012. When Putin took office as president, one of his initial acts was to appoint Medvedev as Prime Minister.

  • Vladimir Putin’s Third Presidency (2012 to 2018)

 The first year in power was marked by a fairly successful attempt to quell the demonstrations. the opposition’s leaders were imprisoned, and groups that are not government-received international funds were classified as “foreign agents.” Increased hostility toward the US when former Edward Snowden, a contractor for the National Security Agency (NSA), sought safety in the country after disclosing the presence of several classified NSA programs.

  • Vladimir Putin’s Fourth Presidency (2018-Present)

The presidential election was won by him in 2018 having above 76% of the vote. He started his 4th term on May 7, 2018, and will remain until 2024. Dmitry Medvedev was invited to establish a new administration on the same day. On May 15, 2018, He participated in the official start of the journey along the roadway segment regarding the bridge. On May 18, 2018, Mr. Putin signed orders establishing the new government’s makeup. On May 25, 2018, he stated that in 2024, he wouldn’t seek the presidency. On June 14, 2018, he kicked off the FIFA WC, which was held first time to Russia

The Net Worth of Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is a Russian politician with a fortune of $70 billion. Throughout his tenure, including spells as President and Prime Minister of Russia, he has established a highly contentious international reputation. His second term as president of Russia is currently in effect, which began in 2012.

When Vladimir Putin was elected President in 1999, Russia’s constitution barred him from serving more than two consecutive terms. As a result, after his second tenure expired in 2008, he became prime minister until returning to the presidency in 2012. However, in January 2020, Putin proposed a constitutional modification that would allow him to serve another two terms as President. It was included in a package of reforms passed by the Russian legislature and by Russian voters in a national referendum in July 2020. During Vladimir Putin’s two-decade reign, he solidified his dominance and portrayed an image of Russia as a worldwide force to the Russian people.


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What is Vladimir Putin's school name?

Answer: Leningrad’s Primary School No. 193 is Putin’s school name.

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Answer: According to polls by the NGO Levada Centre, Putin had a 60% popularity rating in July 2020. From 31% in Aug...Read full

Who is Putin's current wife?

Answer: Ans. Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Ocheretnaya is Vladimir’s current wife’s name.

What is Putin's Current age?

Answer: Vladimir Putin is 67 Years old.