General Awareness » The Smallest Countries on Earth List in 2022

The Smallest Countries on Earth List in 2022

Are you trying to find the smallest countries available on earth? This guide contains a list of the smallest countries along with their overview to help you know about their history.

With 194 nations in this world, there’s no reason to believe that a country means a huge land area populated by a lot of people. But some countries are so tiny that many cities in other countries are gigantic compared to these. In Europe, the Pacific, and the Caribbean, there are several nations around the globe with smaller than 400 sq. km.

The ten smallest countries altogether have a size of 1491.4 km2, which is less than the total area of Houston, Texas (1625.2 km2). From European cities and states to the castle-filled valleys and tropical islands, here are the ten countries with the smallest landmass on earth.

The Smallest Countries In The World Considering Land Area

RankCountryArea in square kmArea in square miles
1Vatican City0.440.17
5San Marino6124
7Marshall Islands18170
8Saint Kitts and Nevis261101

1. Vatican City

This city is the world’s most compact nation-state, often referred to as a city-state. Also, it holds the distinction as the world capital for the Roman Catholic Church. This historic enclave houses the Holy See in the centre of Rome, Italy. This is a term used to describe the Roman Catholic Church administration.

How tiny this nation is? Vatican City takes no more than a square kilometre and is home to 800-1000 people. It’s small, occupying only 49 acres.

2. Monaco

Monaco is a sovereign state located on the Mediterranean Sea, which comes in the French Riviera. Monaco surrounds France via land and water. The Mediterranean is present on the eastern side of the coast. 

It is popular with the name “tax haven,” especially for the wealthy. Also, this country is so tiny geographically that it covers less than a square mile and covers around 202 acres. The main industry it has is tourism. 

3. Nauru

If we talk about another tiny country, Nauru is a coral-raised island located southwest of the Pacific Ocean. This country is present around 25 miles south of the Equator. With a total area of twelve square miles (20 sq. km.), Nauru has an estimated population of 12,000 to 13,000, a large portion of them belonging to Indigenous Nauruans. 

Also, this country is often thought of as one of the most westernised islands in the South Pacific. Around 4-5th of the inhabitants consider themselves Christian due to missionaries who arrived in Nauru in the late 1800s.

4. Tuvalu

Tuvalu is often referred to as the sinking nation. It is a tiny archipelago made up of coral islands. They are present in the central west Pacific Ocean, which occupies nearly 420 miles (676 kilometres) from northwest to southeast. 

The country is currently facing issues from drought and cannot survive on the food crops that grow on their land because the heat is increasing. Many of its inhabitants are now choosing to move to nations to secure a safer future.

5. San Marino

It is a landlocked state present in central Italy. San Marino is a shelter to approximately 33,785 people. The country’s official language is Italian, and most people reside there as Roman Catholics. However, the country does not have an official religion. Agriculture and tourism are equally essential to this nation.

6. Liechtenstein

It is present between Switzerland and Austria. This country occupies nearly 60 square miles (160 sq. km.) and houses from 38,000 to 39,000 inhabitants. 

7. the Marshall Islands

As with the other islands on this list, the Marshall Islands contain many coral atolls and they all make up this country. It’s present close to the Equator. They cover only 181 square kilometres. These islands have a population of 58,000 people. The US is a major supporter of the Marshall Islands.

8. Saint Kitts and Nevis

A paradise in the tropical sun, this tiny island is situated in the eastern region of the Caribbean Sea, occupying nearly 104 square miles (269 sq. km.) with two islands. The coral reefs surround it, and most inhabitants are of African origin. 

9. The Maldives

This country is another premium and luxury tropical getaway, The Maldives is famous for its stunning urban landscapes, beaches, resorts, and snorkelling. It is present in the Indian Ocean in the centre of Africa and Indonesia. 

The Maldives is a country that claims its place as the most low-lying nation in the globe, at 4 feet higher than sea levels. The Maldives has 26 atolls and more than 1,100 islands.

10. Malta

If you are a fan of turbulent historical events, and your dream destination is the Mediterranean Sea, then Malta is your destination!

In the middle of the Mediterranean Sea, this is an island nation which Romans, Arabs, Sicilians, Greeks, British, French, and more have ruled over. 

Since being admitted as a member of the European Union in 2004, this nation is now home to among the largest populations worldwide. Repair, shipbuilding, fishing, agriculture, manufacturing, finance, and tourism, comprise its diverse economy.


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Awareness.

Which Is the Smallest Country by Population?

Answer: Vatican City  (only 1000 people live there).

Which Is the Smallest Country by Area?

Answer: Vatican City (0.44 sq. km.)

Which Is the Smallest Country in Asia?

Answer: Cocos islands is the smallest country present in Asia continent.

Which Is the Smallest Country in South America?

Answer: It’s French Guiana (83,846 km²)

Which Is the Smallest Country in Africa?

Answer: Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha (420 km²)