General Awareness » List of Scientific Names of Animals and Birds

List of Scientific Names of Animals and Birds

Scientific names, often known as'scientific nomenclature,' are binomial phrases made up of a genus as well as a species specific term. The genus is usually capitalised, but the species-specific name is always written in lower case. Both animals & plants utilise the same format. Every species & plant does have a distinct two-part scientific name.

List of Scientific Names of Animals and Birds

Animals & BirdsScientific Names
BisonBos gaurus
Black buckAntelope cervicapra
ChinkaraGazella bennettii
NilgaiBoselaphus tragocamelus
WolfCanis lupus
LionPanthera leo
ElephantElephas maximus
Wild AssEquus africanus asinus
Leopard or pantherPanthera pardus
Kashmir stag or hangulCervus canadensis hanglu
PeacockPavo cristatus
Siberian craneGrus leucogeranus
FoxVulpes vulpes
RhinocerosRhinoceros unicornis
TigerPanthera Tigris
CrocodileCrocodylus palustris
Gavial or GharialGavialis gangeticus
HorseEquus caballus
ZebraEquus quagga
BuffalowBabalus bubalis
Wild boarSus scrofa
Arabian camelCamelus dromedaries
GiraffeGiraffa camelopardalis
House wall LizardHemidactylus flaviviridis
HippopotamusHippopotamus amphibius
Rhesus monkey or baudarMacaca mulatta
DogCanis lupus familiaris
CatFelis domesticus
CheetahAcinonyx jubatus
Black ratRattus rattus
House mouseMus musculus
RabbitOryctolagus cuniculus
Great horned owlBubo virginianus
House sparrowPasser domesticus
House crowCorvus splendens
Common mynaAcridotheres tristis
Indian parrotPsittacula eupatria
BulbulMolpastes cafer
KoelEudynamis scolopaccus
PigeonColumba livia
Indian CobraNaja naja
King cobraOphiophagus hannah
Sea snakeHydrophiinae
Indian Python (Ajgar)Python molurus
Dhaman or rat snakePtyas mucosa

Binomial Nomenclature is indeed a popular, formal method of naming organisms. The nomenclature is made up of two names that are both taken from Latin. This can, however, be derived from those other languages as well. A name of this type is known as a binomial identity or even a scientific name.

The species to which a organism belongs is highlighted by the generic version or the first portion of the name. The second portion, or specific name, indicates the precise species inside the genus that the creature fits.

Furthermore, with binomial nomenclature, certain standards must be fulfilled, like the generic name all being capitalised while the particular name is not. In addition, the full name must be italicised.


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What are the scientific names for people?

Answer. Homo is indeed the genus name, while Sapien is indeed the epithet. As ...Read full

Who owns the scientific term Animalia?

Answer. Animalia is the scientific word for Animals.

What is Monkey's binomial name?

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