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Processing of Agriculture Produce: Processing of Seeds

Every living being requires food to fulfill their basic requirements and carry out life processes. Food cultivation combines certain steps and procedures to successfully and healthy cultivation. Agriculture can be generally defined as the method and processes involved in cultivating plants and other food resources. Agriculture is the most practiced occupation in the Indian population, and it has a great impact on the Indian economy. In this article, we will discuss the different steps involved in agricultural production and discuss the process of sowing seeds in detail.

What is the processing of agricultural produce?

The processing of agricultural produce can be defined as the collection of different procedures involved in cultivating food items and various crops. Cultivating crops is a multi-step process that involves several steps, including soil preparation, sowing, manuring, irrigation, weeding, harvesting, and the ultimate goal of storage. 

This isn’t all about the processes included in agriculture produce. There is a lot more to that. The key elements like climate, land, soil, humidity, everything plays a vital role in crop selection. Let’s move on to the initial process of cultivation, which is sowing seeds.

Introduction to the process of sowing seeds in agriculture produce

The process of sowing seeds is considered the primary stage of cultivation as it is the first element of your cultivation.

There are two vital processes included in sowing, namely,

  • Seed selection
  • Seed sowing
  • Seed Selection

Seat selection can be defined as selecting healthy and good-quality seeds as they are the root of a healthy crop. Farmers’ seeds to cultivate new crops must be selected and chosen very carefully, considering their high quality. There are different sources from where you can buy good quality seeds. However, there are certain methods by which farmers can produce seeds independently. A poor selection of seeds can result in several diseases that are transmitted by the seeds. Apart from good quality seeds in terms of being disease free, you should always check the germination period of the seed you are buying for cultivation. It directly affects the nutrients and other benefits that you provide.

  • Seed Sowing

The process of sowing seeds is the second most essential part of crop cultivation after good and healthy seeds selection. Once you are done with the preparation of the soil, the selected high-quality and healthy seeds are scattered in the field, and this whole process is referred to as sowing. Traditional farming includes seed sowing by using hands; however, technology has also made its way into farming, and now there are automatic machines that perform a process of sowing seed using drilling.

Different Steps of Seed Processing 

The main objective of seed processing is to upgrade the seed quality. To upgrade the seat quality, you can start by removing weed seeds, foreign material deterioration, and damaged seeds. This removal results in enhancing the seed condition. 

There are several steps included in seed processing. Now that you have understood the two different processes of agriculture produce. Let’s move on to understand better the different steps of seed processing.

Here we will discuss several steps included in a seed processing plant to produce healthy and good quality seeds.

Enhanced intake of Raw seed

Every processing plant accepts the rose seed after verifying certain relevant documents in their inspection. This test guarantees that the seed which will be sent to different farmers for cultivation is not contaminated and fit to use. There are several factors that are considered in this step like

  • The physical appearance of the seed
  • Disease infection for insect infestation
  • Inspection of moisture percentage of the seed
  • Inspection of Total weight of raw seed

The Germination Index

The germination index refers to testing the germination ability of the seed. The formula that seed processing plants use to calculate the germination index is,

GI = No. of germinated seed/Days of the first count + No. of germinated seed/Days of the final Count

The germination index is calculated for the time taken by the seed for its 50% germination. This 50% germination is explained as a point of distribution, where the highest frequency of germinated seeds is observed. This 50% germination time represents the peak point of germination, and it is calculated by using the formula modified by Ahmad Hafiz Farooq and Basra in 2005.

The formula is:

T50 = ti + {(N/2) – ni}[ti – tj][ni – nj]

Where ‘N’ stands for the final number of germination and ni and nj are considered as a cumulative number of seeds that are germinated by counts at times ti and tj respectively when nj < N/2 < nj.


Farming is one of the primary occupational activities practised in India. It is not a one or two-step process. Sowing of seed is the initial process of cultivation, and it includes several other processes like irrigation, weeding, and harvesting. This article has discussed several factors and techniques used in seed processing.


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