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Harvesting and Threshing Parameters

The process of cutting the crops and segregation of grain seeds after it has reached their maturity is commonly known as Harvesting.

India is a country with a large population. To feed such a large country, high-pitched agricultural equipment and properties are important and desirable. Out of the total demographic land in the country, 166 million hectares are used for cultivation, while 142 million hectares of this land are used for sowing crops. 

Agricultural mechanisation has become an important aspect due to the above-mentioned reasons. It has increased the productive outcomes and economic stability of the farmers in the country. The mechanization includes seed drilling, threshing, harvesting, etc. An important concept in Agriculture is the Harvesting and Threshing of crops. One of the relations or differences between threshing and harvesting is that the latter is done only after harvesting. Harvesting is the cutting and segregating of seeds after the maturity period. This period is the period of joy for all the farmers, as this period gives them the fruit of their hard work. On the other hand, threshing is the separation of grains from chaffs. For farmers to earn a significant profit, they keep in mind that while threshing the crops, the grains lost should be at the minimum percentage. 

Now, let us look at various methods of Harvesting and Threshing.

Methods of Harvesting and Threshing

Harvesting is an important part of cultivation, different procedure and methods are used in different countries. The type of method used depends on the labour availability in the country. The methods are-

  • Manual tools for Harvesting: These tools are simple and easy to handle tools used by farmers themselves to manually harvest the crops. This method includes actions like tearing, slashing, and slicing. For example- Sickle.
  • Animal-based tools for Harvesting: In this method, animals, like Oxen, are used to harvest the crops in a field. 
  • Mechanic-based tools: Mechanic-based tools involve various machines and battery-based tools for harvesting crops. For example- Reaper. 

After harvesting the crops, the next step is threshing. Threshing has various methods through which it operates. These are-

  • Traditional Method: This method involves stashing the crop into a hard surface, or stamping the paddy with feet, etc. Traditional methods are mostly manual methods.

Apart from these, there are many types of machine-based tools, like- Drummy type, Spike-tooth type, Raspbar type, etc. 

Let us look into the harvesting and threshing calculations.

Threshing and Harvesting Calculation

The Harvest efficiency calculation can be seen in the Harvest efficiency equation. This efficiency is calculated by finding the percentage ratio between the total production of feed and the gain. The equation is as follows-

= increment/total feed production * 100

Harvest efficiency percentage helps in pointing the stockings rate the decreases the risk of overgrazing of the crops. One of the most important concepts related to Harvest Efficiency is the Grazing Efficiency- which points to the efficient use of the feed and the waste generated from the feed. The equation for grazing efficiency is-

= increment/Total feed production – residual * 100

These two efficiencies help in understanding that there would be long-term growth and productivity in the land. 

Now, let us move to the threshing efficiency calculation. Just like Harvest efficiency, threshing efficiency has an equation. Threshing Efficiency highlights the percentage ratio between the volume of the seeds and the total amount of seeds that go in the threshing machine at a time. This equation is-

= Volume of the seed in kg/Volume of the total seed per unit time * 100 

Since we know that equation of threshing efficiency, the threshing production can also be set up as an equation-

= Volume of the total thresh in kg/total time consumed in the threshing processes 

Therefore, the above-mentioned are the important harvesting and threshing calculation formulas. 


Two of the most important concepts in agriculture are Harvesting and Threshing of the Output. Harvesting is the cutting and segregating of seeds after the maturity period. This period is the period of joy for all the farmers, as this period gives them the fruit of their hard work. After harvesting the crops, the next step is threshing. There are various methods and equations for harvesting and threshing calculations- threshing and harvest efficiency. The method of harvesting and threshing depends on the country to country and its availability of labour in the market. The various harvesting methods are- Manual, Animal-based tools, and mechanical tools. While the methods of threshing include Traditional method of Threshing and Machine-based threshing. Threshing Efficiency highlights the percentage ratio between the volume of the seeds and the total amount of seeds that go in the threshing machine at a time. While Harvest efficiency percentage helps in pointing the stockings rate the decreases the risk of overgrazing of the crops.


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