Relative Humidity

The amount of water vapour (vapour pressure) that is present in the air is referred to as the relative humidity.

The term “relative humidity” refers to a way of defining the amount of moisture that is actually present in the air in comparison to the maximum amount that may be there. Relative humidity is a measurement that meteorologists frequently use while attempting to characterise the weather in a variety of locations.

When it is warm outside, there is the potential for a higher concentration of water vapour in the air compared to when it is cold. It is possible to determine whether the air is dry or moist by comparing the actual quantity of vapour present to the potential amount of vapour that could be present in the form of a fraction. The number is typically expressed as a percentage, where 0 percent indicates that there is absolutely no moisture in the air at all and 100 percent indicates that there is so much moisture in the air that mist or dew is about to develop.

When the temperature falls to the point where dew is formed, the relative humidity reaches one hundred percent, and the water vapour in the air condenses, resulting in the formation of precipitation in the form of dew, rain, or snow (etc.).

Relative Humidity

The quantity of water vapour that is present in a water-air mixture in comparison to the greatest amount that might be present is referred to as the “relative humidity,” or RH. The relative humidity, or RH, of a water-air mixture, is measured in comparison to the saturation humidity ratio at a specific temperature (dry-bulb). It is essential to be aware that knowing the dry-bulb temperature and the RH is required to determine whether or not the relative humidity is relevant to a certain application. For instance, the amount of moisture present in a water-air water-air mixture at a relative humidity of 80 percent at a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius is not the same as the amount of water vapour present in a water-air mixture at a relative humidity of 80 percent at a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius (38.5 gH2O/kg air, respectively). Because of this, the recommendations for postharvest storage, for example, include both the temperature and the relative humidity.

Relative Humidity of Air

The relative humidity (RH) of air is calculated by dividing the vapour pressure of air by the saturation vapour pressure of air. The relative humidity of the air surrounding a food product at the point where it is in equilibrium with its surroundings is referred to as the ERH of that food product. When equilibrium has been reached, the ERH (expressed as a percentage) is equivalent to the water activity multiplied by 100; more specifically, ERH (%) = aw × 100. When food is exposed to humidity that is maintained at a constant level, the food will either gain or lose moisture until the ERH is reached. According to what was stated earlier, the migration of moisture has a considerable impact on the physical and chemical qualities of the food. For instance, sugar can crystallise, also known as “sugar bloom,” when chocolate products absorb moisture from the surrounding air. This causes sugar to go from a glassy condition to a rubbery state, which leads to the crystallisation of sugar.

Absolute, Relative and Specific Humidity Definition

Absolute Humidity

The amount of water that is actually present in the air is referred to as the absolute humidity, and it can be expressed in either gram per cubic metre or grammes per kilogramme. The level of absolute humidity in the air can be anywhere from close to zero to approximately thirty grammes per cubic metre.

Relative Humidity

The relative humidity of an air-water mixture can be defined as the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapour in the mixture to the equilibrium vapour pressure of water over a flat surface of pure water at a given temperature. This ratio can be found by taking the partial pressure of water vapour in the mixture and dividing it by the equilibrium vapour pressure of water.

Typically, it is presented in the form of a percentage. A higher percentage suggests that there is a greater proportion of water vapour in the air.

Specific Humidity

The term “specific humidity” refers to the proportion of the total mass of an air parcel to the mass of water vapour present in the air.


The amount of water vapour present in the air is what is meant to be measured when referring to humidity. The amount of water in the air, in relation to the amount of water vapour that can be present, is what is measured by relative humidity (moisture). When the temperature is higher, the air is able to contain a greater quantity of water vapour. When talking about the weather in the morning, your local meteorologist will speak to the relative humidity. Without humidity, there would be no clouds, which would also mean there would be no precipitation or fog. The presence of water vapour in the atmosphere, also known as humidity, is essential for the development of precipitation. In addition to this, the mist of water keeps the heat in the air.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the GATE Examination Preparation.

What factors have an impact on the relative humidity?

Answer: The temperature of the air is the only factor that determines whether or not it can retain water vapour. The...Read full

Why is there higher humidity throughout the night?

Answer: Cassie says that humidity shifts dependent on the difference between the actual air point temperature and th...Read full

How does the change in temperature affect relative humidity?

Answer: As we know (%rh = p/ps x 100), as the temperature of a system continues to rise, and the relative humidity w...Read full

Does the heat have an effect on the humidity?

Answer: Thus, the temperature is also closely related to humidity. When the temperature rises, there is a correspond...Read full

What factors contribute to a rise in relative humidity?

Answer: Because warm air may contain more water vapour (moisture) than cold air, air will have a HIGHER relative hum...Read full