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Non-Conventional Drainage System

This write-up is based on the introduction of the drainage system, Classification, and explanation of non-conventional drainage system, drain pipe, drain tile, and channel drain.Introduction

A drainage system is defined as the extraction of excess surface water artificially through a different process that can be by using plants or can be through PVC pipes or other cement pipes.

There are 2 divisions of drainage system – Conventional Drainage System and Non-Conventional System. 

The non-Conventional drainage system has the same goal as a conventional drainage system i.e. to remove the excess water from the root zone. 

A non-conventional drainage system is used when the conventional surface drainage systems or subsurface drainage systems are not acceptable.

A non-Conventional drainage system is classified into 3 categories:-

  • Bio drainage system
  • Mole drainage system
  • Vertical drainage system
  • Bio Drainage System – 

A bio drainage system is defined as the extraction of water from the soil by deep-rooted plants using their bioenergy. In a bio drainage system deep-rooted fast-growing plants are used, so that the plants can absorb water from the capillary fringe situated above the groundwater table. The water is absorbed and spreads throughout the part of the plant and 98% of the previously absorbed water is transpired from the part of the plant mainly to the atmosphere through stomata of the leaves. This whole process is known as a bio drainage system. Eucalyptus species is a type of species that grows too fast and is well known for the consumption of water from the soil in excess moisture condition. 

Advantages of Bio Drainage System –

  • Bio Drainage system is a low-cost drainage system because only plantation is required.
  • Refines the atmosphere by releasing O2 and absorbing CO2, so there is no harm to the atmosphere.
  • Acts as a windbreaker.

              The disadvantage of the Bio Drainage system is the area where the plantation is done for the bio drainage system cannot be utilized for other crop cultivation.

  • Mole Drainage System –

A Mole drainage system is defined as the unlined circular soil channels which act as pipe drains in clay soil. This system is good in the areas of salt waterlogging. A Mole drainage system does not affect or drain the groundwater; it only drains the water that enters from above.

The advantage of a mole Drainage system is, maintaining such a type of drainage system is low in cost and therefore can be installed at very close spacing.

The disadvantage of the mole drainage system is that it has a restricted life.

  • Vertical Drainage System –

A vertical drainage system is a type of drainage system in which the water is pumped out by electric motor pumps and is diverted by outfall drains and pipelines or open canals. The depth of the well is approximately 20 to 30 m, the screen diameter of the well is about 30 to 40 cm and the thickness of the package is nearly 10 cm and above.

A disadvantage of vertical drainage systems is that the operational cost is more as compared to other drainage systems because it requires a pump to remove water whereas others are of low cost.

Drain Tile

Drain tile is a type of agricultural drainage system that helps to extract or remove the unwanted extra water from the sub-surface of the soil. This system was first used in America in the year 1838. Nowadays the pipes which are used are made up of polyethylene tubing, previously they used to be made out of clay. To ensure a long productive life of a drain tile, it requires proper maintenance. 

The advantages of Drain tile or tile drainage system are as follows:-

  • Increased the productivity of crops and improved root development.
  • Less runoff.
  • Land value gets increased.
  • Nitrogen fertilizers are used more efficiently.
  • More days of machinery operation.

Drain Pipe

A drain pipe is defined as a pipe that carries extra water or dirty water that may be rainwater or waterlogged in the soil. Drain pipes should be 10.2 cm in diameter.

Channel Drain

Channel drain, also known as trench drain, slot drain, strip drain, etc., is defined as a perforated pipe that is placed in a gravel bed, which is utilized for extracting surface water. Channel drain is long in length and narrows in width, it ranges from 1 inch to 2 feet in width and depth that can reach 4 feet i.e. 120 cm.


This is to conclude that a Non-Conventional drainage system has the same goal as a conventional drainage system i.e. to remove the excess water from the root zone. A non-conventional drainage system is used when the conventional surface drainage systems or subsurface drainage systems are not acceptable.


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