GATE Exam » GATE Study Materials » Civil Engineering » Introduction to GPS Survey

Introduction to GPS Survey

With the introduction of GPS surveys, the farmer is able to know the climate conditions such as rain and storms. Furthermore, they plan according to the forecasting so that they can reduce the adverse effects of the climate condition on agriculture.


The study introduces that, with the development of technology, agriculture is relying on various applications such as the GPS survey application. However, the application of the GPS survey is not only helpful in agriculture; it also has been used in various other activities of the Government to collect data on its land resources. With the emergence of GPS technology, the government has been able to collect the actual and accurate data of land surveying. Before this, the Government and the people have the data of land surveys however it has not been actual and error-free. The accuracy of the land survey has depended on the accuracy of the position of the land and the gathering of the data of the resources on the land. Furthermore, the introduction of the GPS survey is an effective tool to conduct a land survey and an effective and actual land survey.

Role of GPS Survey in Agriculture

The GPS survey helps the farmers to correlate the yield of crops and production techniques that are helpful to enhance production. Consider for instance in case the farmers do not know the yield of their agricultural land and the capacity of the land, they are working then it is obvious that they cannot correlate it with another field. GPS helps the farmers to know the climatic condition of the day or months so they are able to use it for the future plan of their land. By the GPS survey of the land, the farmers and Government are able to collect data of productivity of the land for specific crops and this way they know which land is suitable for which crops. This article is helpful for the farmers to collect data about climate forecasting and the production of the land and its category. By this technique, the farmers can easily download the land survey on their phones and laptops for further use.

Advantage of GPS Survey in Agriculture

GPS survey in agriculture is helpful in the data collection about the land survey and production and productivity of the land. By this system the farmers can know the climate condition of the next months and the productivity of their land by the data of previous years. Land survey conducted by the use of GPS survey is collection of actual data of the land and resources that have been sown on the land so this is much helpful to the agricultural analyser and the farmer to analyse the data of the land and the productivity of the land. By the introduction of the GPS survey, it has been possible to forecast the climate conditions of the exact location. 

Various GPS survey apps

GPS survey app surveying with an android smartphone application plays a significant role in agriculture because by the application the farmers will be able to gather the specific information without any delay. Various apps that have been often used by people, especially farmers are climate forecasting apps and the app that gathers the data of the various crops produced in a specific land.  By the use of GPS survey app surveying with an android smartphone application, the farmers of the countries are able to know the information of the productivity of the land and the agriculture specialist is also able to give exact suggestions to the farmers for their activities in the land. Furthermore, by the use of various applications of the GPS survey and application of the introduction of GPS surveying pdf, specialists of agriculture are able to give some tips to the farmers of a specified region according to the crops in their lands. Consider in case the government has no data about the land and the produce on the land then they cannot give some tips to the farmers and also not able to forecast the climate according to the specific areas. 


By the introduction of GPS in the land survey, the government was able to gather correct data about the land and its production and productivity. Moreover, by the application of GPS surveys, the government has been able to forecast the productivity and rate of the crops in the next few years. Furthermore, the farmers of the countries are able to know the rate of various crops in the next few years and they sow the crops according to their profitability. The application of the GPS survey is not only limited to the areas of agriculture but it also helps in the forecasting of the climate with the exact location and the use of forecasting in the agriculture activity can enhance the productivity of the land.


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