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Convection and Radiation

Heat transferring process is classified into three different types, such as Conduction, Convection, and Radiation. It helps to move the heat from warm to cool areas.

There are three types of heat transferring methods that help to move heat from a warm place to a cool place. A hot object that has been kept in a room which is having less temperature, this process helps to turn them cooler. The conduction process directly contacts the hot substances, which transfers the heat directly. Convection transfers the heat through a movement of warm substances. Similarly, Radiation erects transport heat by space through electromagnetic waves.

Definition of Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

Conduction is a heat transferring process that directly contacts the warmth substances and transfers the heat to another matter. It is a faster way to transfer heat, as it can be done by using metal. Throughout the conduction, process heat is transferred from one substance to another.

A heat transferring process that occurs during the hot liquid or gas rises to the cooler areas and becomes cool, is called Convection. For example, boiling water in a pan creates convection currents, which help to transfer the heat through vapor. On the other hand, the Earth is revolving around the Sun, absorbs the heat, and transfers it to the air, first, the air gets warmer and later cools down. 

In terms of radiation, the heat transfers directly without contacting any object, just like an electromagnetic form. The Sun transfers heat directly through thermal radiation and reaches space. It does not rely on contacting matters which are warm or get heated to transfer the heat. Sunlight is the best example of radiation.

Thereby, it is important to know that heat always moves towards warm to cool temperature substances or materials. 

Characteristics of Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

The basic nature of transferring heat is to move from a warm place to cool areas, from the high body or substance temperature to the lower temperature. This can happen through three different types, such as Convection, Conduction, and Radiation. No “actual migration of medium particles needed from one point to another” in the Conduction Heat Transfer process. It requires a metallic substance that connects the two different bodies. Some good conductors are aluminum, copper, silver, steel, bronze, brass and all types of metals, these are transferring heat easily to another object.

Convection transfers the heat through liquid or gas substances by a movement of heated fluid.  Four types of convection formed, such as the natural convection, expand the fluids when it gets heated, such as it transfers the heat and makes the fluid less dense. The heated molecules start to expand the space when water is getting heated and boiling in a kettle. The molecules increase the speed which creates less density and after cooling down; they come to closure and increase density.

In terms of forced convection, the fluids which get heated, a force has been used to cool down the fluids by the movement of air by using a fan or something like that. In the atmospheric convection process, the local heating effects occur, these convection currents help to transfer heat by moving vertically first, and contact with several atmospheric phenomena, such as clouds and thunderstorms. In the advection process “the property of moving mass of air changes transporting by the wind”.

Energy emission through radiation occurs faster to transfer heat by mechanism. It does not require any mediator, directly going through the binding energy of a particular element. 

Difference between Conduction, Convection, and Radiation

Basis of Difference





  • Heat transferring process from heated objects to direct cooler contact


  • Heat transferring through energy transition in fluids

  • Heat transfers through the machine without using any mediator object


  • Traveling of heat between heated objects to direct cool substances

  • Passing heats through fluids

  • Flowing heat through an empty space


  • Due to the difference in temperature

  • Due to the difference in density

  • All objects which are greater than 0K temperature


  • Solids by molecular collision

  • Fluids by actual movement of matter

  • From a distance without intervening substances

Transfer of Heat

  • Solid heated material

  • Intermediate objects

  • Electromagnetic waves


  • Slower

  • Slower

  • Faster

Law of Reflection and Refraction

  • Not following

  • Not following

  • Following


Table 1: Difference between Conduction, Convection, and Radiation


When an object gets heated and the particles receive energy, they start to vibrate. Therefore, these particles bump into the nearest particle to transfer the energy, the conduction process. Cool gas or liquid easily spreads into the warmer areas and absorbs the heat. is Convection. Radiation refers to heat transferring methods, zero mass exchange happens and it does not require any mediator to circulate the heat.


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