

The article includes information on what absorption is. It provides absorption definition, absorptions spectrum while discussing digestion and absorption. It is an essential GATE topic.

Absorption is the process by which an element can take in something else. In scientific terms, absorption is seen as a chemical and a physical process. Absorption is seen as a process by which smaller units of a thing are absorbed into some other thing. Absorption can happen in both liquid and solid elements. So, it can be said that absorption is a process through which one thing is absorbed into the other, either becoming a new thing or being an amalgamation. Therefore, the article has looked at absorption definition, described digestion and absorption as well as explained absorptions spectrum. 


In chemistry, specifically in chemical engineering, absorption can be defined as a process of taking in other elements to form a separate bulk. The smaller units include atoms, molecules, and particles. In chemistry, specifically in chemical engineering, absorption can be defined as a process of taking in other elements to form a separate bulk. In chemistry, sorption is a term that is used for describing both ion exchange, adsorption, and absorption. In chemical engineering, a combination of these three segments is important. These are important both individually and collectively. These three form the important steps to chemical operations. Absorption, adsorption, and ion exchange are important steps to many chemical reactions, metallurgical processes, and industrial relations. The different elements of these three components are: 



Ion Exchange

Ions or atoms are absorbed

Fluid is absorbed

This is a separate method

It can get absorbed into either phase of materials

It can get absorbed into liquid or solid

It removes unwanted materials

It happens on the surface

It happens in bulk

Ions are exchanged

Affected by temperature

Not affected by temperature

It is a reversible exchange

Absorption Definition

In chemistry, absorption definition specifically in chemical engineering, absorption can be defined as a process of taking in other elements to form a separate bulk. It is a process by which fluid materials are absorbed into other fluid materials. Absorption definition is the process that describes an element that can take in something else. In scientific terms, absorption definition is seen as a chemical and a physical process. There are certain properties of absorption that helps in understanding absorption definition better. The properties of absorption definition are:

  • Capturing and transforming substances
  • Distribution of elements
  • It happens through surface interactions
  • Liquid and gas are the mediums through which absorption happens
  • The phenomenon takes place through radiation

Absorption Spectrum

The absorption spectrum is a type of electromagnetic process. Radiation in this case decreases with intensity. The wavelengths have their separate characteristics. The absorption spectrum is done by absorbing different substances. The absorption spectrum has many patterns and bands in the wavelength range. It is a fraction of materials and frequencies involved in the frequency range. These electromagnetic radiations pass through mediums. The range of characteristics and the differences that resulted from these are included in the absorption spectrum. This is an aspect that is used as an analytical tool in chemistry. In these types of spectroscopies, tools such as ultraviolet as well as infrared are included. This process involves quantum mechanical elements. Two elements involved in the process are:

  • Molecular structure- The frequencies and interactions in a sample during absorption depends greatly on the molecular structure of the sample. The variation in crystal formation also determines the absorption spectrum variation in wavelengths. 
  • Electronic sample- The degree of electronic freedom in a molecule or atom depends on the amount of energy absorbed during radiation. 

Digestion and Absorption

Digestion is a process involving the breakdown of substances into their smallest units until they can get dissolved. It is a water-soluble process and they are absorbed into plasma. The smaller units include atoms, molecules, and particles. In chemistry, specifically in chemical engineering, absorption can be defined as a process of taking in other elements to form a separate bulk. Digestion and absorption are not the same processes. Digestion is an example of absorption. Absorption is a liquid-absorbing process. 


So, it can be said that absorption is a process through which one thing is absorbed into the other, either becoming a new thing or being an amalgamation. Absorption is a liquid-absorbing process. Absorption is the process by which an element can take in something else. In scientific terms, absorption is seen as a chemical and a physical process. The absorption spectrum has many patterns and bands in the wavelength range. Digestion and absorption are not the same processes. Digestion is an example of absorption.


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What is absorption?

Ans. Absorption is a liquid-absorbing process. Absorption is the process by which an element can take in something else. In scientific terms, absor...Read full

What are digestion and absorption?

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What is absorption definition?

Ans. Absorption definition specifically in chemical engineering, absorption can be defined as a process of taking in other elements to form a separ...Read full

What is the absorption spectrum?

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