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WP Full Form

Read this article to know the full form of WP, its history & uses.

WordPress has been used by millions of people worldwide to create their digital platforms. WordPress is an open source free software developed in 2003. It lets users create websites easily & and has ample features. It is primarily written in PHP & MySQL.

History of WordPress

WordPress is free, open-source software developed in 2003 by Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little. The two were students at the time and wanted to create their blogging platform.

It’s been updated and changed for over 15 years. WordPress has made it possible for millions of people around the world to create websites with ease.

WordPress manages content from a single dashboard (CMS). It’s an open-source platform, meaning anyone can download and modify the code as they see fit.

Matt Mullenweg and Mike Little, both undergraduates at the University of Houston, created WordPress in 2003. Mullenweg later dropped out to focus on developing WordPress full-time.

In 2005, Automattic acquired the company for $30 million in cash plus $1 million in stock options. Over 500 employees work for the company, valued at $1 billion.

WordPress, a PHP and MySQL-based CMS are usually connected to MySQL or MariaDB. It also supports SQLite.

WordPress, a popular content management system (CMS), is written in PHP and MySQL, and it can connect to the MySQL or MariaDB database server, or it may utilise the SQLite database engine. The CMS functionality of WordPress allows users to create, edit and maintain web pages using a visual editor interface which provides line-by-line WYSIWYG previewing.

From its humble origins as a blogging platform, this software has developed into a robust content management system (CMS) with hundreds of plugins to accommodate almost every website need.

As of November 2018, WordPress has been downloaded more than 100 million times; more than 54 million websites are running on it across all languages (English, French etc.), making it the most popular open-source CMS in use today!

Full Form of WordPress

WordPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) based on PHP and MySQL. It was first released in 2003, with the latest version of WordPress being released in 2019.

The WordPress CMS features many plugins, themes, and frameworks that can be downloaded from the official WordPress website. You can also find thousands of free plugins from third-party websites that allow you to customise your blog or website even further.

WordPress is a free, open-source blog publishing platform and popular blogging and website-building tool.

WordPress has been installed more than 60 million times since its creation, and 20% of websites use it.


WordPress is a PHP and MySQL-based content management system (CMS) that is both open source and freely available to anybody. Its most popular use is as a website builder, although it can be used for many purposes, including blogging and online storefront creation. As the site owner, it lets you manage your website without programming knowledge. Wp login allows you to access your account and make modifications per your requirements. The backend panel is where all the action takes place.