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SST Full Form

SST stands for Social Studies as well as sea surface temperature. Both of these are the subject of the educational system, with their respective role in different fields of science.

Social studies and sea surface temperature are two abbreviations of SST. Social studies and sea surface temperature come under the category of the educational system. The social study was adopted under the United States education system, which deals with the awareness of political skills, critical thinking, economic education, cultural understanding, etc. On the other hand, the sea surface temperature deals with the climatic condition of the area depending upon the temperature range of the surface temperature of distinctive water bodies. Sea surface temperature plays an important role in weather prediction because the air mass of the earth’s atmosphere is greatly affected by the sea temperature.

Social Studies (SST)

Social studies is a branch of education that covers most of the fields related to humanity, social science, etc. The United States education system has adopted social studies in earlier times to throw light on the history, geography and political science of the society. The basic ideology behind the adoption of social studies under the education system was to spread awareness about several disciplines, integral behaviour, unique mythology, coherent knowledge about communication, as well as focusing on the analysis of different social problems. Social studies were postulated over John Dewey’s philosophy during the 1820s. The elementary subjects involved in social studies are ethics, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, literature and art.

Importance of Social Studies

Social studies are not only a subject but also a behaviour enhancement method. It is quite important to get the knowledge of social studies. Some of the basic benefits are:

  • It helps in better reading and learning. Moreover, it enhances the critical thinking of an individual.

  • It teaches about the responsibilities and the values that a citizen holds in a society.

  • Provides awareness to the different cultures that are beyond everyday experience.

  • Social studies give a brief knowledge about history, anthropology, political science, which is a crucial part of society, and future development.

  • Social studies focus on enhancing the political skill of an individual.

  • Social studies provide a presentation of how the real world works, which influences an individual to adapt according to modernisation.

Themes of Social Studies

The National Council for Social Studies has postulated ten themes for social studies depending upon the standards of human experience and its effects on society. The themes are as follows:

  • Culture.

  • Time, continuity and change.

  • People, places and environment.

  • Individual development and identity.

  • Individual groups and institutions.

  • Production, distribution and consumption.

  • Global connections.

  • Power, authority and governance.

  • Science, technology and society.

  • Civic ideals and practices.

Sea Surface Temperature (SST)

The sea surface temperature is also termed ocean surface temperature. It is the measurement of the temperature of the seawater up to a minimum depth of 1 millimeter. The measurement of these temperatures of the seawater is considered because the air mass of the earth’s atmosphere is highly dependent upon the sea surface temperature. Tropical cyclones are caused because of a warm seawater temperature. On the other hand, the breeze is cooler and calm due to the low water temperature. The exchange of heat from the ocean water is the basic reason for climate change. Therefore, the study of seawater temperature is most important in weather protection.

Sea Surface Temperature Measurement

Sea surface temperature can be measured with the help of different instruments. Each of these instruments points out at different temperatures, i.e., there will be a temperature variation. The thermometer is the basic instrument that is used for sea surface temperature measurement. Benjamin Franklin was one of the scientists who initially adopted the thermometer method. The methodology of measurement using a thermometer is by dipping the thermometer at a certain level in seawater. However, the improvement in technology led to the adoption of a weather satellites method for determining the sea surface temperature. The weather satellites use an infrared remote sensing technique for measuring the sea surface temperature of the ocean. However, the weather satellite has the drawback of not being workable when the sky is flooded with clouds.


SST has two distinctive abbreviations. One stands for social studies, which is an educational subject related to human behaviour, ethics, political skill development, and real-world understanding. Social Studies came into existence in the 1820s under the influence of John Dewey’s philosophy. Whereas SST also stands for the sea surface temperature, which is a branch of science that deals with the measurement of the surface temperature of an ocean or water body to determine the weather forecast, climate change and various other climatic factors. Different instruments were introduced for the measurement of the sea surface temperature, which includes thermometers and weather satellites.


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What does SST stand for?

Answer. SST stands for social studies as well as sea surface temperature. Both of the abbreviations...Read full

What do you mean by Social Studies?

Answer. Social study is an educational branch under the United States Education system which was adopted to ...Read full

What are the themes of Social Studies?

Answer. Social studies are categorised into ten different themes according to the National Council of Social...Read full

What is Sea Surface Temperature?

Answer. Sea surface temperature is also termed as the ocean surface temperature, which deals with t...Read full