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POP Full Form

POP stands for Post Office Protocol and Point of Presence. Post Office Protocol is known as an internet standard protocol. Also, used by email clients for retrieving email from a mail server.

Email clients use post office protocol. The post office protocol makes way for user client applications using an internet protocol network. It makes way for accessing the mailbox, which is maintained on a mail server. 

If we want to understand Post office protocol in simpler words, it can be said that POP is the message request protocol used quite commonly. This message request is popular in the wide world of the internet for sending or transferring messages from an email server to an email client. 

Post office protocol doesn’t provide access only. The protocol also supports the downloading and deleting operations for messages. 

What’s the history of the Post Office Protocol? 

If we go to the past post office protocol, then the first version of the POP Post Office Protocol is POP1. It was specified in RFC 918 (1984). 

If we talk about the specification of POP2, then it was in RFC 937 (1985). It means it took only one year to launch POP2. 

Define Point of Presence? 

A Point of Presence is known as the artificial network interface which is between the communicating entities.  Such as for the example: ISP point of Presence, which is also known as the local access points which give  user access to connect to the internet with the help of ISP 

What’s the use of the third version of POP?

Here the third version of POP means POP3. This version of Post office protocol is used very commonly. POP3 is used for copying the mail from the remote server. After copying from the remote server, pastes into the local mail client. 

How does the third version of POP work? 

The third version of POP means POP3. POP3 enables you to use an email box like a post office. You can download emails onto your computer system and remove them from the mail server by using POP3. That’s why it is called that it runs or works like a post office. When you access your emails with the help of the POP3 protocol, then a copy of the emails is created. And then this copy gets stored locally on your system (Computer). 

Information about POP 

EMAIL communication has been quite popular for many years. And nowadays it’s very common to communicate with somebody or some organisation via email. We use email in our daily life. We send emails very frequently. If we imagine then, nowadays, email has a great role in communication, especially online communication. We send emails very frequently to organisations, companies for jobs or reviews etc. The main protocol which supports email communication is the Post Office Protocol. This all communication of email is possible because of post office protocol. 

How does Post Office Protocol work?

Post Office Protocol needs a network connection for an end to end email communication, and this need for network connection is fulfilled by IP or TCP protocol stack. 

Except this, Post Office Protocol engages with SMTP (Simple mail transfer protocol) to establish an end-to-end email communication. 

After gePOP post office protocol pulls the email messages after network connection by IP/TCP protocol, POP poTP simple mail transfer protocol pushes them to the server. 

What is an email client? 

As there are various applications on a desktop screen. The email client is also one of them. It’s a desktop application. The email client is known for configuring one or more email addresses to receive, compose, read, and send emails from that email address through the desktop interface. 

Email client creates a central interface. This central interface is used for sending, receiving and composing emails of the configured email address.

What’s an email server? 

The email server is also known as just mail server . Email server acts as a virtual post office. The email server is also a network. Its role is to act as a post office. It is used for storing incoming mail. And then, these incoming mails are distributed to local users. It sends out outgoing messages also. 

Email server follows a client-server application model, making sending and receiving messages easier. Here SMTP simple mail transfer protocol is also used. 

What is authenticated Post Office Protocol? 

Authenticated post office protocol is used for additional permissions. In short, Authenticated post office protocol is also known as APOP also. It works as a POP but with authentication technology. Authentication technology includes password encryption upon client receipt. 

Authentication technology is used to encrypt usernames and passwords written in plain text. But nowadays, the Authentication post office protocol is not used. Because it’s an outdated method, so now it is an old or traditional method of encrypting passwords and usernames. This is all about authentication post office protocol. 

What’s the POP server? 

The server used for holding email is known as the POP server. 

Simple Message Transfer Protocol works between sender and receiver via the internet. Its name is a simple message transfer protocol; its work is simpler than other protocols. 


Post Office Protocol is a technology used for retrieving emails. There are different versions of POP post office protocol. Nowadays, its third version, POP3, is used frequently for retrieving emails. The email server is also known as just mail server also. Email server acts as a virtual post office. The email server is also a network. Its role is to act as a post office; the latest version of POP is POP3. Overall it can be concluded that Post Office Protocol is used in email delivery. SMTP is the simple message transfer protocol used for transferring electronic mail. There is a dedicated well-known port number 25. It is included in the SMTP simple message transfer protocol.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

Which version of POP is used commonly?

Ans : The third version of POP, known as POP3, is used mostly. 

Is POP3 known as a network protocol?

Ans : POP3 is a type of internet standard protocol. Local clients use it for retrieving emails. ...Read full

What’s another name for an Email client?

Ans : The other names of email clients are mail user agents, also known as MUA. The email client is...Read full

What’s another name for an email server?

Ans : The message transfer agent is also a name used for email servers. The email server is known a...Read full