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INSAT Full Form

Indian National Satellite System or INSAT is the series of Geo-stationary satellites that are launched by ISRO to flexibly perform operations of different departments such as broadcasting, telecommunication, meteorology, and all.


INSAT is introduced by Indian space organization ISRO for enhancing better experience in search-rescue operation, broadcasting, telecommunication, and all other operations. INSAT is the joint venture of the Indian space, telecommunication, meteorological, and radio-Doordarshan department. INSAT has mitigated the impact of any climate disaster by developing a warning system so that people become prepared for the disaster.

INSAT Full Form

INSAT was commissioned in India in 1983 as a largely spread domestic system for communication in the Indo-Pacific locations. This system has involved a drastic revolution in the communication sector of India by launching the satellite INSAT-1B and continues to involve more sustainable operation in this sector. GSAT-17 has also conjoined with the INSAT satellite series and developed 15 individual operational satellites to fulfill the purpose of this system more flexibly. INSAT system has more than 200 transponders and develops a system to perform operations such as satellite newsgathering, telecommunication, weather forecasting, television broadcasting, search-rescue operation, societal application, and many others. Additionally, some of the INSAT satellites perform meteorological observations and data to enhance more knowledge on the meteorological data of the region.

Features of INSAT

INSAT system incorporates a huge range of features that have proved to be fruitful for the Indian communication system. It is observed that the use of the INSAT satellite series has changed the impact of natural disasters more significantly as there is previous information on the severity of disasters. Hence, the people and disaster response department have more knowledge about what preparation is required to mitigate the severity and loss of life from the disaster.

  1. INSAT serves as an important factor in many important entities of the Indian economy. Telecommunication, meteorological, and other advancement through this satellite system have enhanced more flexibility on information and negotiation systems.
  2. INSAT has introduced service of mobile satellites besides involving the service of VSAT service.
  3. Telemedicine network is another feature of INSAT to enhance medical and healthcare services to the needy and vulnerable people of remote locations.
  4. INSAT series of satellites has also launched EDUSAT that is solely focused on Indian educational services for making it more advanced and efficient.
  5. Broadcasting of television and redistribution has become advantageous with the use of INSAT satellite series.
  6. Meteorological services are also benefited from using radiometers of higher resolution and ECD cameras in aircraft.

Some of the satellites presently in service:


GSAT-3 which is also denoted as EDUSAT is developed for education in a distant classroom system. This satellite was launched by ISRO in 2004 through the launch vehicle GSLV-F01 from Sriharikota, India. EDUSAT is the first education satellite in India that enhances India to perform satellite-enabled two-way communication for the students to enhance their academic experience. Hence, delivery of educational material has become effective using the use of EDUSAT in the INSAT satellite series.


Combination of the two satellites INSAT-3D and INSAT-3DR has enabled the scope of timely and accurate detection of weather-related parameters in the atmosphere of Earth. The reading of weather change, possible images are collected from this satellite every 15 minutes. INSAT-3D/3DR has increased better knowledge on atmospheric pressure, humidity, temperature, and all. Hence, any weather-related change can be easily identified using this satellite system. Half-hourly and quarterly images are effective to monitor weather details on a real-time basis. This satellite is useful for monitoring weather data such as heavy rainfall, cyclones, floods, thunderstorms, fog, and many others.


GSAT satellite is widely used for digital data, audio, and video broadcasting for both the civilian and military users. Series of GSAT satellites are effective for employing classroom studies through multimedia content. GSAT has increased the communication flexibility in the region with huge scope in various entities of the Indian economy. GSAT satellite has increased the flexibility in telecommunication, VSAT services, television, and all other services in India.


It can be concluded that ISRO has contributed huge benefits in the economical operations by introducing the INSAT series of satellites in space. Education, television broadcasting, weather data management, telecommunication, and all become effective using the INSAT system in space. Every satellite in this series has unique features and it is beneficial to increase more knowledge using the satellite data. It is also observed that search and rescue activities after any disaster are highly influential using the INSAT satellite series. It can be concluded that INSAT is highly important in the Indian people’s life.


Frequently asked questions

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What is the importance of INSAT in Indian weather management?

Answer. The INSAT satellite system is widely used in the weather monitoring system of the Indo-Pacific region. It ha...Read full

Why is INSAT important to save people’s lives?

Answer. Any weather change can be easily identified as half-hourly and quarterly satellite images are captured to ha...Read full

What is the contribution of INSAT in broadcasting?

Answer. Contribution of INSAT in broadcasting is very important as from television broadcasting to convey weather de...Read full

What are the benefits of INSAT in education?

Answer. It has been observed that INSAT has also given the facility in the modern education system to enhance the ch...Read full