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IEEE Full Form

IEEE or “the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers” is the largest global organization of advancing technology.. It is designed to provide benefits to humanity.


IEEE is the leading professional organisation in the world that is capable of providing advanced technology. The technology that is provided by IEEE is used for providing benefits to humans. Different ways of involvement in technical and local communities are offered by IEEE as it is the largest technical organization in the world. These communities actively participate in the most technically relevant topics in the world such as research, authorship, and conferences. IEEE is also considered to be the world’s most trusted source of engineering, technology, and computing professionals. The institution mainly operates in advancing innovation and technological excellence that inspire upcoming generations.

Origin of IEEE

Institute of electrical electronic engineers was founded in 1884 and it includes scientists and engineers in electronic and electrical fields. It was known as the “American Institute of Electrical Engineers”.  It had been dedicated to furthering technical advancement and innovation. It is one of the largest societies for professionals related to technical background. It has been designed to assist all the professionals who have been working in departments of technology and science that are doing significant work for modern civilization. This organisation was founded due to the increased interest of people in electronics and electrical products. In 1884, the invention of the telegraph was one of the major electrical devices that had been used to communicate and the data was sent faster than transportation.

The members of the AIEE also consist of medical doctors, software developers, computer scientists, physicists, and professionals of information technology. As a result, the organisation is mainly referred to as IEEE except in legal papers. It was formed to help the professionals of the respective field to innovate new things for the benefit of humanity. In 1912, the “Institute of radio engineers” was formed and it had emerged as the main rival of AIEE. At that time, IRE was attracting a lot more students than AIEE, although the latter was much larger in size. IRE was significantly devoted to radio and then they expanded to other objects. It then grew more due to the inclusion of various members of various fields through conferences and publications. In 1963, IRE and AIEE merged together and IEEE was formed

Educational objectives of IEEE

The organisation provides opportunities in various segments of research, engineering sciences, and technology. It provides several educational opportunities such as the “Educational partners program”, degree programs for online learners, and online courses that are designed for online students. The online courses are designed for a suitable self-paced learning process for the students. The e-learning library website also provides certificates and around a 10% discount for various courses. The library has numerous tutorials and illustrations of cases that are essential in introducing the basic terminologies, impact, and usage of various products, history regarding standards, and a wide range of news related to books. The organization also sponsors a website to assist young students who are pursuing engineering for better learning of the subjects.

It also answers the queries of parents and teachers related to future opportunities and careers in engineering. It also consists of interactive games, answers to frequently asked questions, and lesson plans, and also provides various links for exploring the curriculum of engineering courses. The website of this organization also allows the aspirants to search for appropriate engineering programs across America and Canada. It has helped the students in identifying their interests and reviewing various engineering courses. The e-library has been helpful for the students as it can help in encouraging the students to learn on their own and at their own leisure.

Segmentation of membership in IEEE

IEEE is widespread in more than 160 countries and the number of members is 400,000. The members of IEEE belong to the whole world out of which around 40% are from the United States. The members of the IEEE belong to several professions such as scientists, engineers, and others. These professionals have one thing in common all of them have their roots in electrical and computer sciences or engineering. The IEEE fellow membership is considered to be the highest grade of membership that is awarded to a member of the organization. This membership can be attained through the nomination of the peers and approval by the Board of Directors of the IEEE. The Board of Directors is formed from the perspective of distinct professions.

The members of the IEEE include over 107,000 students. Furthermore, it is divided into 342 geographic regions. On the other hand, IEEE also includes 580 affinity groups. These affinity groups are considered subunits that are not technically sound. IEEE has a portfolio of nearly 1,200 active standards. The current number of projects that are undertaken by IEEE is around 900. IEEE has a total of 39 technical societies that are capable of hosting more than 10,000 annual meetings.


It has been observed that IEEE has a significant effect on technology and technical professionals around the world. IEEE is responsible for developing international standards for many of the renowned sectors of today’s world, namely telecommunications, information technology, and so on. The organization has been awarded many times for its immense contribution to the field of technological society. IEEE medals are considered to be the highest awards that a professional can receive.


Frequently asked questions

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Who is IEEE?

Answer. IEEE is a global organization that is dedicated to advancing technology. It is known to be the world’s lar...Read full

State the mission and vision statement of IEEE.

Answer. The mission of IEEE is to promote innovation and excellence of technology from which humanity can benefit. The vision of IEEE is to ...Read full