Full Forms » IEC Full Form

IEC Full Form

The IEC depicts the import/export registration (“Importer-Exporter Code”), as well as the international standards published for the technologies related to electronics (“International Electrotechnical Commission”).

The first full form considered in the process is the “Importer-Exporter Code”, where a specific alphanumeric code is issued for the purpose of import as well as export. This code is necessary to be submitted before executing import and export. The other considered full form is the “International Electrotechnical Commission”, where the electronic, electrical, as well as the associated technologies, are published by an international organization. This helps in the identification of new technologies from the global aspect.

Importer-Exporter Code

This code is found to consist of 10 digits formulated with both alphabetical, as well as numeric digits mixed together. This code is maintained with unique digits for each candidate, and is issued for executing the processes of imports, as well as exports by the “Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)”. The code is provided on the basis of the PAN of a candidate. This code has been considered to be mandatory for carrying out imports and export in India. This code is provided to a candidate who is interested in doing international business. This code is issued under the “Ministry of commerce” of the Indian government.

Validity of Importer-Exporter Code

Once this code is issued for a candidate, it is permanently valid; however, there is a need for updating the code every after one year. Moreover, no fee is charged when the code is updated between the months of April and July each year. In case there is no updation of this code within the mentioned time, there will be a deactivation of the code. The deactivated code can be reactivated by issuing an application stating a valid reason for failing to update the code.

International Electrotechnical Commission

The formative abbreviation of the entire gamut of IEC stands for the “International Electrotechnical Commission”. In fact, this organization as per its international standard submerges the electrical and electronic facets of technologies. Moreover, the application of this variable in respect to the assessing commission with foregrounding makes a hypothetical as well as the general discipline regarding the symbols and all designated development. In order to ascertain the dependability and the electromagnetic compatibility ascertain the environmental safety and the provision for more applications also. In fact, this commission has its own objective in accommodating sustainability as per the concern for restoring the natural artifact for nature and the environment itself.

Implementation of International Electrotechnical Commission

The first summit of the quoted commission had its preliminary step taken in Paris in the year 1881 centralized and focused on the factor of uniting the whole world for incorporating an advanced effect for all. Additionally, the membership of all the countries throughout the world makes a certain provision for all the other affiliated members to accentuate the global effectiveness with more prominence and grandeur. In fact, the actualization force grounded by this commission determines the assurance of all the governmental policies through the implemented “state-of-the-art”. Alongside, the commission relies on augmenting the potential of the students to be the decision-makers in the future by coping with the surrounding conditions and easy access to the planned technologies.

Application of International Electrotechnical Commission

The formation of the primordially attributed evidence creates an assessing scenario for all the electrical techniques and the new technologies as per the electronic inventions concentrate on ensuring the global benefit with their renewed effectiveness for the individual. However, the application of all the modern techniques and the technologies often aspire to be negatively effective at some point. The immediate assessment services and the survey method initiated by this commission ensure the real reflection of the associated benefits. Therefore, the implementation of this particular commission is in dire need of the unanimous growth and well-being of national wealth in modern times.

Optimization of Related Tools

The optimized measures that the commission deals with in recent times access to the use of renewable energy, ensures the nuclear power along with the electrical power and its eventual generation ascertain the consumption of the global power by the nations. On the other hand, the commission further accentuates their purposeful venture towards the assurance offered by the environmental growth and restoration with all profitability. Along with this, the increasing factors of solar energy, and tidal power generated by the hydropower plants create some sort of opportunities to restrain the world from further hazards. In contrast, the sequencing of all the necessary arrangements means an overflow for a global standard of potential health issues as per the necessities possessed by the communities and the nations respectively. The organization further accentuates the probability for the immediate assertion of disaster management statistics with complete satiation of human resources throughout the world.


On the basis of the discussion, it can be concluded that in order to verify the validity, as well as desirable, full form of IEC, there is a need for proper knowledge of the concerned field. In the case of a study surrounding key trends of import and export in India, the “Import-Export Code” needs to be preferred as the ideal full form. In the cases of gathering knowledge about the technologies connected with the electronic or electrical backgrounds, the “International Electronic Commission” is preferred to be the ideal full form of IEC. Both the fields need to be thoroughly analyzed for gathering proper knowledge about the endorsement of the term IEC.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

Which official website is maintained for the application of Import-Export Code?

Answer : DGFT Website

IEC is issued by whom?

Answer : “Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)”.

What is the date of foundation of the International Electrotechnical Commission?

Answer : 27th June, 1906.

How many standards are published so far by the International Electrotechnical Commission?

Answer : Above ten thousand standards.

Who assigned the Horizontal Standards under the “International Electrotechnical Commission?

Answer : “Standardization Management Board”.

The technical equipment is certified for standards by which system?

Answer : IECRE.