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IDR Full Form

An International Depository Receipt is bank-issued financial security that is traded on international capital markets. Find its benefits, risks, and a lot more here!

International Depository Receipt (IDR) is a certificate that represents ownership of shares in a foreign company. IDRs are negotiable and tradable securities and can be held by both domestic and foreign investors. They are listed on stock exchanges and can be used for the settlement of transactions between parties. 

Understanding the IDR

IDR or International Depository Receipt is a financial security that is offered by a bank and traded in the international capital markets. It represents an ownership interest in a foreign company that has been deposited with a custodian bank outside of its home country.

The IDR allows investors to purchase shares of foreign companies without having to go through the hassle and expense of setting up an account in a foreign country. The receipts can be traded on exchanges all over the world and are quoted in the local currency of the country where they are listed.

Characteristics of IDR

IDRs are created when a foreign company deposits its shares with a local depository bank. It has the following characteristics to it:

-It is a negotiable instrument

-It is denominated in the local currency

-It represents a specified number of shares of the foreign company

-It is freely transferable

-It is listed and traded on a local stock exchange.

How Does IDR Work?

A foreign company wanting to raise money by issuing securities can do so by selling those securities in another country. For example, a company in the United States might want to sell shares to investors in Japan. The company would deposit the shares it wants to sell with a bank located in Japan and receive back International Depository Receipts (IDRs). These IDRs could then be traded on the Japanese stock exchange just like any other security.

The beauty of the IDR is that it allows foreign companies to raise money in the local currency of the country where they are listed. For example, a company listed on the Tokyo stock exchange would issue IDRs in yen. This makes it easy for investors in Japan to buy shares in the company without having to worry about exchange rates.

IDRs are also quoted in the local currency of the country where they are listed. This makes it easy for investors to compare the price of IDRs with the price of shares in the company’s home country.

Advantages of IDR

– International Depository Receipt (IDR) is a certificate that represents ownership of shares in a foreign company.

– IDR allows foreign companies to list their shares on a domestic stock exchange.

– It also allows foreign investors to invest in the company without having to go through the process of registering the shares in their own name.

– IDR reduces the risk for foreign investors as the shares are held by a domestic custodian.

– The company does not have to comply with foreign listing and disclosure requirements, which can be costly and time-consuming.

Disadvantages of IDR

– International Depository Receipt (IDR) are not as liquid as domestic stocks

– IDRs can only be sold after the stock has already been sold in the local market

– IDRs may be subject to different accounting, auditing, and tax requirements than domestic stocks

– The underlying company may not be subject to the same disclosure and corporate governance standards as companies listed on domestic exchanges

– There is a limited number of IDRs that can be issued, so they may trade at a premium or discount to the underlying stock’s price

– The depository bank may charge fees for holding and/or trading IDRs

– There is a higher risk that the issuer of an IDR could default on its payments than for a company whose stock is listed on a domestic exchange.


International Depository Receipts are a great way for students to invest in their education. By buying IDRs, you can help support the school of your choice and receive some benefits in return. For example, many schools offer scholarships or tuition discounts to students who hold an IDR. Additionally, having an IDR gives you voting rights at the school’s annual meeting and makes you eligible to run for office on the board of directors. If you’re interested in learning more about how International Depository Receipts work, or if you want to purchase one for your favourite school, please visit our website. We would be happy to answer any questions you have and help get you started on this exciting investment opportunity.


Frequently Asked Questions

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What is the full form of IDR?

Answer. The full form of IDR is International Depository Receipt. It is a financial certificate that represents an o...Read full

How does it work?

Answer. An International Depository Receipt (IDR) allows investors to hold shares in foreign companies without havin...Read full

What are the benefits of owning an IDR?

Answer. There are a few key benefits of owning an International Depository Receipt (IDR): ...Read full

What are the risks of owning an IDR?

Answer. While there are a few key benefits to owning an International Depository Receipt (IDR), there are also a few...Read full