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IDA Full Form

Abbreviation of IDA has many full forms out of which major three are International Development Association, Information Dense Antenna and Interactive Dis-Assembler.

The International Development Association has been known as a part of the World Bank which has been seen to be helping different poor countries all over the world. This part of the World Bank was developed in 1960 with an aim to reduce poverty all over the world by providing loans at zero interest. This association has also been seen to be helpful in improving living conditions of individuals, reducing inequalities and increasing economic growth. Information Dense Antenna has been known as an antenna that can Directly Find (DF) remote High Frequency (HF) sources. Interactive Dis-Assembler has been known as a disassembler that can be used to convert machine-executable code to source code of assembly language.

International Development Association

The International Development Association (IDA) has been known as a part of the World Bank. This association has also been seen to complement the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). IDA has been seen to help countries in increasing their respective economy, having higher-income jobs and better living conditions. This has also been helpful in creating more job opportunities in different countries and thus it has been seen that IDA is the largest source of helping hand to approximately over 73 countries in the world. As IDA has been seen to lend money on different concessional terms, interest rates of these lending have been seen to be zero or close to zero which grants poor countries to develop rapidly. IDA has also been seen to provide debt relief with help of Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) and Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative. It has been seen that in Fiscal Year 2021, IDA committed a total of approx $35 Billion to different countries. IDA has thus been reported to provide approx $457 Billion to a total of 114 countries since 1960. Out of these 114 countries, approx 36 countries have been seen to graduate whereas many have become donors. Some important donors of IDA in recent days are Chile, India, China, Turkey and South Korea.

What is Information Dense Antenna

An Information Dense Antenna (IDA) has been seen to be mostly used to find remote frequencies. IDA has been seen to be able to measure magnetic or electric wave vector fields based on a three-dimensional range. IDA has been seen to interpret any type of polarized radio waves from any direction without any loss. An IDA has been seen to be used in measuring polarization or statistical properties of a field. This antenna can also be seen to be used in finding directions of radio sources from remote locations. This Direction finding has been seen to be the initial application of an IDA. This IDA can also be seen to be used in different modulation techniques, out of which Finding direction using noise and Combining of signals are noteworthy. Another popular application of IDA has been to eliminate fading of polarization by choosing one of signal vectors. IDA has been seen to include an antenna that can be used to establish multipath communication in a close environment. IDA can also be seen in different radar applications which are satellite-based.

Definition of an Interactive Dis-Assembler

An Interactive Dis-Assembler (IDA) has been known as a disassembler that converts machine-executable code into source code of assembly language. Depending on different operating systems and different processors, an IDA has been seen to support various types of executable file formats. It has also been seen that executables of Linux ELF, Mac OS X Mach-O and Windows PE can be debugged using an IDA. Programs that have been compiled with C/ C++ compiler can be provided with a decompiler plug-in by using IDA. IDA has been seen to perform automatic analysis of a code by using cross-references within code sections. This process also includes parameters of API calls. Nature of an IDA needs total accuracy in order to aid improvements of a disassembler. IDA has been seen to be created by Llfak Guilfanov as a shareware but later it has been sold by DataRescue as a commercial product. Llfak later pursued Hex-Rays and developed a Hex-Rays Decompiler as an IDA extension which has been included in IDA Pro of DataRescue in 2008.


This article concludes with IDA which has many full forms. Out of all these full forms major three have been concluded in this article and International Development Association, Information Dense Antenna and Interactive Dis-Assembler. A brief description of all three abbreviations has been concluded in this article in order to provide a basic and clear understanding of these full forms. Different characteristics or features of these three aspects have also been included in this article.

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What is the International Development Association?

Answer. The International Development Association has been known as a part of the World Bank which has been seen to ...Read full

What are the two initiatives taken by the International Development Association in providing debt relief?

Answer. Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) and Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative are two ini...Read full

What was the initial use of an Information Dense Antenna?

Answer. Initial use of Information Dense Antenna (IDA) has been seen to find remote frequencies.

What is an Interactive Dis-Assembler?

Answer. An Interactive Dis-Assembler (IDA) has been known as a disassembler that converts machine-executable code in...Read full

Which executables can be debugged using an Interactive Dis-Assembler?

Answer. Different types of executables of Linux ELF, Mac OS X Mach-O and Windows PE can be debugged using an IDA....Read full

Which wave vector fields can be measured by an Information Dense Antenna?

Answer. Electric and Magnetic wave vector fields can be measured by an Information Dense Antenna.