Full Forms » ID Full Form

ID Full Form

Abbreviations of ID can be of many full forms and these full forms can be Identification, Industrial Design, Intrusion Detection and many others.

Abbreviation has been known as a form of a phrase or word which has been shortened in order to reduce repetition of a phrase or save time. Many have been seen to confuse acronyms with abbreviations however; there has been a significant difference between these. An acronym has been known as a form of a new word whereas an abbreviation has been known as an articulated form of a word. ID has too many full forms when the supporting abbreviation is removed.


Identification can be represented as ID using abbreviation. Identification has been known as any kind of information which can be used to identify specific individuals. Different government-issued documentation has also been known as IDs and these IDs have been helpful in proving identity of individuals. Apart from government-issued documentation, ID can also include other types of information like biometric data, voice, retinal image, and different unique numbers. Putting it simply, Identification can be represented as a process of identifying or evidence of identity. Identification can also be represented to provide significant common factors between two individuals or even between more than one object. Whenever one common factor is found, it can be said that those individuals or those objects are identical to each other. Identical represents one or more factors to be same in features whereas Substitute can represent similarities in between which are independent of features or characteristics.

Definition of Industrial Design

Industrial Design has been known as a process that can be seen to be implemented in different manufacturing organizations in order to increase production of their respective products. Industrial Design has also been known as a process of defining and determining features of a product before that respective product is mass-produced. Along with the growth of globalization and industrialization, the necessity of industrial design has increased. Process of Industrial Design has been considered to be creative but some analytical analyses have also been seen to be concluded in this process. Different manufacturing organizations have been seen to use different strategies and methods in properly conducting this process however; some commonly used methods have been seen to be sketching, analysis reports of research on similar products and some comparative analysis of substitute products. Different software has also been seen to be used by different organizations. Industrial Design has been seen to be governed by intellectual property rights of an organization. This has been seen to be helpful to organizations in having patents of a product design.

Meaning of Intrusion Detection

Intrusion Detection has been known as a process using which unauthorized access to something can be detected. Based on implementation of this process, an Intrusion Detection System can be developed. Depending on the environment where it has been used, Intrusion Detection systems can be either a network intrusion detection system (NIDS) or a host-based intrusion detection system (HIDS). NIDS has been known to preside over a network infrastructure and monitor the whole network. These types of intrusion detection systems have mostly been seen to be used in organizations to secure themselves from different cyber threats. A HIDS has been known to be present in systems of an organization and thus can be seen to observe these systems for any unauthorized access. Different organizations nowadays can be seen to implement both these systems in order to increase their overall cyber security and thus protect their sensitive data from unauthorized access. These systems have been seen to be using different methods to detect intrusion. Out of all these methods, the most common methods which have been seen to be used in general are anomaly-based detection and signature-based detection. Anomaly-based Intrusion Detection Systems have been seen to detect deviations of traffic whereas Signature-based Intrusion Detection systems have been seen to identify wrong patterns. These systems can also be seen to be used by different organizations in order to attract malicious traffic and characterize them.


This article has been concluded on abbreviation of ID. There have been many full forms of ID however; three of them have been concluded here. A brief difference between an acronym and an abbreviation has been discussed in this article. The three full forms which have been concluded in this article are Identification, Industrial Design and Intrusion System. Brief descriptions of each of these full forms have been concluded in this article in order to provide a basic understanding of these three full forms. Some frequently asked questions have also been concluded in this article which has been helpful in providing a clear overview of this topic.


Frequently asked questions

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What are three examples of full forms of ID?

Answer. Identification, Industrial Design and Intrusion systems can be three examples of full forms of ID....Read full

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What is the meaning of Identification?

Answer. Identification has been known as any kind of information which can be used to identify specific indiv...Read full

What is the definition of Industrial Design?

Answer. Industrial Design has been known as a process that can be seen to be implemented in different manufac...Read full

What is the meaning of Intrusion Detection?

Answer. Intrusion Detection has been known as a process using which unauthorized access to something can be d...Read full

What are the two major Intrusion Detection Systems used by different organizations?

Answer. Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) and Host-based Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) have been ...Read full

What are the two most common methods used in different Intrusion Detection Systems?

Ans. The two most common methods used in different Intrusion Detection Systems are anomaly-based detection an...Read full