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ICT Full Form

ICT is referred to as Information and Communication Technology that is a combination of service industries and manufacturing industries that plays a vital role in transmitting and capturing electronic information.

Information and communication technology is a wide range where Information refers to data that might be in paper or electronic format. Communication includes interaction between people electrically, also known as electronic communication. This comprises Voice, writing, telecommunication and broadcasting. Technology is further divided into Informational technology that includes software, hardware and electronics and communication technology includes software, hardware and protocols. Recent use of ICT includes Mobile learnings, access to education, deep learning, machine learnings, social connectedness and global awareness.

Components of the ICT system

ITC or Information and communication technology comprise both internet-enabled sphere and wireless networks provided by Mobile. It also includes services and networks such as Landline telephones, television, radio and broadcasting. These services required artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. ICT is frequently used with information technologies and generally used for components related to digital technologies and computers. ICT is a traditional service that continuously grows. Before the 21st century a component of ICT included television and radio but in recent day’s components of ICT expand and include Smartphones, smart televisions, robots and Digital computers. Main seven components of ICT include Cloud computing which is usually used for data centres to many users over the internet that helps to connect between software and hardware as it is distributed over various locations from central services. Software is used for operating computers and helps to execute a particular task. This component helps to refer to applications and programs that run on a device. Hardware includes monitor, memory, CPU and hard drives that help to handle applications and software in computers. Digital transactions can be defined as online or automated transitions without any use of paper. Communication Technology is also known as Information technology that includes programs and equipment that is used for processing communication information. Digital data is data that represents different forms of data using machine learning systems and interpreted by various languages. Internet Access is important for connecting personal computers, mobile phones, laptops and with users or enterprises and also it is subjected to data signalling rates.

Economic impact of ICT

ICT has a great impact on the economy and society as it is related to interpersonal transactions. ICT dramatically changes how people communicate, work, and learn. ICT continuously changes human experiences as robots are now engaged and tasks are handled by robots. In recent days phone calls are received by Robots and answered calls. According to a report of World Bank 2016, more than 65% of people worldwide have cellphones and have internet access to their mobiles. ICT empowers people to share their ideas and knowledge and helps in dramatically lowering barriers to starting new businesses. Using advanced technologies and innovations helps to increase the revenue of a business. ICT plays a significant role in the emergence of social business. It provides affordability as ICT decreases set-up costs in an unpredicted way. Many businesses utilise ICT for optimising processes that help to reduce costs and help to increase accuracy. Online channels of ICT provide an incredibly powerful way to broadcast messages of businesses. ICT provides social value and makes a difference in traditional communication all over the world and secure a better future for future generations.

Significance of ICT in enterprise

ICT helps to increase speed and time for communication and helps to save a lot of money. It spreads information quicker to all around the world and helps traditional communication become quicker and more efficient. Video conferences help to save money on accommodation and flights. ICT does not only help to bring the world connected but also helps to increase the world’s economy. This process is cost-efficient so that people feel free to send emails and help automate business practices. ICT provides great availability to clients; they can access websites and can voicemail for 24 hours. ICT significantly provides new and interesting job opportunities and increases knowledge of people about computer programs and creates educational opportunities. Besides all this significant ICT have some major drawbacks such as it providing educational opportunities that are not available for previous generations that resulting in a huge generation gap and miscommunication. Technology is moving faster and keeps changing day by day creating a lack of knowledge and lack of data security. Generated data through ICT is subjected to cyber security risk.


ICT or Information and Communication Technology is a term that refers to all Information technologies including artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. That includes technologies such as cell phones, digital television, software, hardware, network, internet and video conferences. It helps to communicate all over the world and connects people with increased speed and low-cost efficiency that ultimately increase the world’s economy. Major advantages of ICT include new opportunities for jobs and education about technology, computation and innovations but major disadvantages include cyber security risk. Rapidly changing technologies in ICT may be subject to data leakage and cyber threats.

Frequently asked questions

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What is the full form of ICT?

Answer : The full form of ICT is Information and Communication Technology that helps to connect ente...Read full

What are the main components of ICT?

Answer : There are seven main components of ICT that include Cloud computing, Software, hardware, digital t...Read full

How does ICT help to increase the economy?

Answer : ICT helps to increase the economy by increasing the speed of communication and making communicatio...Read full

What is the major significance of ICT?

Answer : ICT provides opportunities for new and interesting jobs and provides opportunities to increase kno...Read full

What are the major drawbacks of ICT?

Answer : The major drawback of ITC includes cybersecurity threats as it connects people from different coun...Read full