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GPA Full Form

Grade Point Average is a number that represents the average of the grades you’ve earned in all of your classes. Learn everything about GPA here.

Grade point average, or GPA, is a measure of academic performance used by educational institutions to assess a student’s achievement. In most cases, grades are weighted according to the difficulty of the course and then averaged together to calculate the student’s GPA. 

What is GPA full form?

Grade point average (GPA) is a normalized measure of academic performance used in the United States and some other countries. Grade points are awarded on a scale from 0 to A+. The most common GPA scales assign a value of four points for an A, three points for a B, two points for a C, one point for a D, and no points for an F.

Why is GPA important?

Your Grade Point Average, or GPA, is a number that represents the average of the grades you’ve earned in all of your classes. It’s important because it shows how well you’re doing in school and it’s one of the things colleges look at when they’re deciding whether to admit you.

How is GPA calculated?

Your GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points you’ve earned by the total number of credits you’ve taken. Grade points are assigned to each letter grade: A = four points, B = three points, C = two points, D = one point, and F = zero points.

To calculate your GPA, use this formula: Grade Points Earned ÷ Grade Points Possible = GPA 

For example, if you earned a 97 in math and the maximum grade points possible for that class is 100, then your GPA for math would be 97÷100=0.97.

What’s a Good GPA?

There’s no one answer to this question because it depends on the school you want to go to and the program you want to study. But generally, a GPA of three or higher is good enough to get into most colleges.

How does GPA work?

Grade point average is the cumulative average of the grades that a student earns in all courses. Grade points are determined by multiplying the point value of a letter grade by the number of credit hours for the course.

For example, if a student has a B in a three-credit-hour course, the grade point would be three (B multiplied by the point value assigned to a B).

Grade points are also awarded for grades of A, A-, B+, B, C+, C, D+, and D.

No grade points are given for an F, I, or WF.

Grade point average is not figured on pass/fail courses.

GPA Calculator

There are various online GPA calculators that can help students figure out their GPA. Some calculators allow students to type in the grades they have already earned and will calculate the GPA for them. There are also calculators that will allow students to calculate their projected GPA for the current semester or upcoming semesters. These calculators can be helpful in seeing if students are on track to reach their desired GPA.

How to convert GPA into Percentage?

Grade point average (GPA) is one of the most important factors that colleges look at when considering admission. Your GPA is a measure of your academic achievement and shows how well you have done in school. To convert your GPA into a percentage, multiply your GPA by 100.

Difference Between Overall GPA and Cumulative GPA

You may have come across the terms Overall GPA and Cumulative GPA and wondered what the difference is. Grade point average, or GPA, is a calculation of your average grade over the course of your entire high school career. Your Overall GPA includes every grade you’ve ever received in every class, while your Cumulative GPA only includes grades from classes you’ve taken since you started high school.

Some colleges will weigh your GPA to account for the difficulty of different classes. For example, an A in an AP or IB class might be worth more than a regular A. This is called a weighted GPA. Other schools don’t weigh grades at all, so an A is always worth the same number of points.


GPA is a valuable tool that can help you get into the college of your dreams or land that dream job. While it’s not the only factor colleges consider when making admissions decisions, it is an important one. So be sure to keep track of your grades and do everything you can to boost them in order to make yourself as competitive as possible. 


Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

What is the GPA full form?

Answer. Grade point average is the most common way of measuring a student’s academic achievement. The GPA full...Read full

How is GPA calculated?

Answer. The GPA calculation takes the letter grades earned in each course and converts them into numerical values. T...Read full

What is a good GPA?

Answer. The answer to this question varies, as different institutions and programs have their own GPA requirements. ...Read full

How to raise your GPA?

Answer. There are many things you can do to improve your Grade Point Average. Some tips include: ...Read full

What is the difference between weighted and unweighted GPAs?

Answer. The main difference between weighted and unweighted GPA is that a weighted GPA assigns a higher value to cou...Read full