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TRP Full Form

The word TRP stands for Television Rating Points. It is used everywhere yet very few people know the meaning and importance of it. In this article, we will study & understand TRP in simple words.

TRP stands for Television Rating Point. You must have heard sentences like, the next season of the show was cancelled due to low TRP or the award show TRP skyrocketed when it was telecasted again on weekends. 

But, what does this term TRP mean and why is it so important for the creators and advertisers? Keep reading this article to find answers to all these questions.

What is TRP?

TRP is the short form of Television Rating Point. It is a metric that is used to measure the popularity or viewership of the show. TRP helps in understanding what shows people like watching the most. The channel which grabbed the maximum eyeballs will be ranked higher than the other channels. 

TRP helps the advertisers and investors to understand the interest of the audience. They can invest their maximum money on the channel which catches the audience’s attention for the maximum period of time.

Why is TRP Important?

  • The answer to this question is money. A high TRP on a particular show means it has the attention of a large audience which implies that advertisers will pay more money to advertise on the channel
  • High TRP guarantees more revenue and we all know that all the companies want to make more profit. At the same time, TRP helps in ranking the channel in this rat race. Creators and advertisers can understand the mindset of the audience
  • TRP allows the creators to make content tailored to their needs. For example, Indian audiences love masala and drama in everything. Although, due to the rise of web series and streaming platforms the choices of the people are now refined and they give more importance to content-driven shows. But, still, there is a large group of people who love masala and drama
  • Due to this, even the news channels don’t provide the facts truthfully and try to sensualise it in every way possible. The Indian audience loves watching things related to actors and their lives. This is the reason why many of the shows and news channels provide irrelevant news on famous actors
  • Many people think that content creators don’t want to create unique content. But, this is not true. Most of the time they don’t get a good response when they create unique content. That’s why they follow the regular path of making fame and money
  • In short, we are responsible for the things we see as the content creators provide us with things that we demand from them 

Who Calculates TRP in India?

  • TRP in India is calculated by the Indian Television Audience Measurement (INTAM) agency and Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC)
  • The BARC consists of the Indian broadcasters (IBF), advertisers (ISA), advertising and media agencies (AAAI)
  • Earlier, Doordarshan Audience Research TV Ratings (DART) was used to calculate the TRP since at the time the only channel available to the audience was Doordarshan itself
  • Although DART still exists and takes the viewing pattern of the people in rural areas into consideration. They randomly pick people and ask them about their viewing habits and also use electronic methods to evaluate TRP

How is TRP Calculated?

In India two electronic devices are used to evaluate TRP:

  • The first one is the people metres device. In this, the device is installed in some houses to calculate the TRP. Thousands of viewers are surveyed in the form of justice and sampling
  • The device which is installed records the channel or programme the family watches Using this metre the information of the programme for one minute is carried out by the INTAM
  • Once its data is thoroughly analysed the team creates the national TRP data of various TV channels and TV programmes
  • The second device is picture matching. In this, the people metre is used to capture the pictures that are being watched on the TV. In this method, only a small portion of people are considered. This data is collected in the form of pictures and later analysed by the team to calculate the TRP of the programme


We hope that you now know about TRP and why it is so important for the content creators, investors and advertisers as well. A high TRP means a large audience. This huge audience will get channels with a large number of advertisers who are willing to give a huge sum of money to display their advertisements. It also helps the content creators understand what are the things that the audience like in shows. This helps them to make necessary changes to their show format.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

What does TRP stand for?

Answer: TRP stands for Television Rating Point. It is a metric that is used to measure the populari...Read full

Why is TRP important for the channel?

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Can TRP be manipulated?

Answer: Yes, TRP can easily be manipulated by bribing the households where the people metre is inst...Read full

Which agency calculates TRP in India?

Answer: In India, the TRP is calculated by INTAM (Indian Television Audience Measurement)....Read full

How is TRP calculated?

Answer: TRP is calculated by people metres device and picture matching. The people metre device is ...Read full

How to increase the TRP of any programme?

Answer: To increase the TRP you need to make content that your target audience likes. So, you need ...Read full