Full Forms » TRAI Full Form

TRAI Full Form

The full form of TRAI is Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. It is the government body for regulating the telecommunication sector in India.

On 20th February , 1997 the parliament passed an Act named as the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India Act, 1997. It was set up to be the regulator of the whole telecommunication sector in India. Before the formation of TRAI,  it was the central government which looked after the telecom sector of the country. “The headquarter of the TRAI is named Mahanagar Doorsanchav Bhawan ” which is in New Delhi. Dr. PD Vaghela is the chairman of the government organization. It has been more than 25 years since TRAI held the charge of the Indian Telecommunication sector.

The main objectives of TRAI are :-

  •  To create favorable situations or conditions to trigger the growth of telecommunications in India. This is done to make India grow till the levels of other leading countries in this particular sector

  • Secondly TRAI works to provide a fair and clear environment for the companies in the market

  • To issue different regulatory directions or mandates on topics such as tariff, DTH, portability of mobile number etc

TRAI and its working as Secretariat

Secretariat of an organization can be the department which completes the main administrative and general duties.

TRAI is also established as an organization which follows the secretariat format. In TRAI the secretary creates the agenda for meetings and decisions after consulting the chairman. However the secretary also has few advisors to consult with.

Mobile Apps of TRAI and their motive

TRAI had previously launched 3 new apps along with their official website on 6th June, 2017. The apps were namely, My call app, My Speed app and Do not disturb (DND2.0) However the latest news regarding the app launched by TRAI was regarding the app known as “TRAI CHANNEL SELECTOR”. It was released back on 28th December of 2018. The mobile apps and website were required for TRAI to be able to be connected to the people because during this stage of modernisation people are more active on the internet than anywhere else . This enabled better connection between the people and the organizing body odor TRAI.

The objectives of the apps and web portal were as follows:-

  •  The web portal was set up to make sure that the users from India can stay fully aware of the telecom services , and the service providers which are provided to them

  • The apps were launched to ensure  the link between the customer’s payments and the facilities they were provided for that particular service. Mainly it was for the customers’ information

  • THE TRAI SELECTOR app allowed us to edit our channel list and help in managing it

Functions of TRAI (After the amendment in 2000)

The main Functions of TRAI after its Amendment in 2000 are:-

  • Making recommendations on various issues

  • The usual administrative and regulatory functions

  •  Fixing and regulating tariffs and costs of various services provided by the telecom companies

  •  Fulfill any order provided by the government of the Country


TRAI has always been the backbone of the telecom industry of India. It was a trial which permitted and looked after the international telecom brand to venture into India and lead India towards a more modern approach. Many international brands like Hutch, Vodafone, etc. These companies had ventured into India and explored the probable market but the customers were looked after by TRAI. TRAI also had an important role in the internet revolution in India a few years back. We can surely say that modernisation is surely on its way up and telecom is at its core along with a few factors.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

What are the qualifications required to become an employee of TRAI ?

Answer: To become a chairperson in TRAI the person needs to be a former judge in the Supreme Court ...Read full

What is the time period of office for the employees ?

Answer: Till the age of 75 permission is granted to stay as a chairperson but after that the person...Read full

Who is the secretary of TRAI?

Answer: Sunil Kumar Gupta is the secretary of TRAI. He had cleared the prestigious Central Civil Se...Read full

What are the TRAI reports ?

Answer: Since TRAI is the top most and only regulatory body for the telecommunication sector of Ind...Read full