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DARE Full Form

Everything you need to know about Drug Abuse Resistance Education / Department of Agricultural Research and Education & other related topics in detail.


Agrinnovate India Ltd., a business formed under the Companies Act, 1956 is held by the Government of India in the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE). It aims to build on the advantages of DARE’s Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) and foster the growth and dissemination of research and innovation outcomes by commercialisation, and the formation of collaborations both inside and beyond the country for the benefit of the community.

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) is a prevention programme that aims to reduce the usage of illegal substances, gang participation, and violent conduct. 

Department of Agricultural Research and Education 

In India, the Department of Agricultural Research and Education is the main body for Economic Cooperation in agricultural education and research. The Department handles agricultural cooperative relationships with foreign entities, the United Nations, the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), and other multilateral organizations. Department of Agricultural Research and Education also coordinates overseas students’ enrolment to various Indian Agriculture Colleges / ICAR Academic institutions. 

Department of Agricultural Research and Education Primary Functions

  1. To oversee all parts of agricultural science and research (encompassing horticulture, management of natural resources, agriculture technology, extension services relating to agriculture, organismal biology, economic data, advertising, and fishery), necessitating interaction between government agencies.

  2. Attending to all concerns about the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)

  3. Attend all issues involving the development of fresh agricultural technology, gardening, sustainable use of natural resources, agricultural production engineering, agricultural production & expansion services, veterinary medicine, economic indicators, brand management, and the fishing industry.

  4. It also includes operations such as flora and fauna initiation and investigation, ground and territory use study and trying to plan.

  5.  Global cooperation in agrarian science and research would include relations with international and worldwide agriculture sectors and instructional organizations and institutions, participate in international symposiums, affiliations, and other authorities

  6. Dealing with agrarian research and treatment, and choices are taken at such international meetings.

  7. Basic, practical, and management science and higher learning, as well as the integration of such science and higher education in agriculture, including agroecology, livestock farming, dairy development, fishery, agricultural analytics, economic history, and commercialization.

Drug Abuse Resistance Education

Drug Abuse Resistance Education was formed in 1983 in Los Angeles.   Drug Abuse Resistance Education was formed as a much-demanded drug control strategy in the American War on Drugs as a joint initiative of head Daryl Gates and the Los Angeles Unified School District. 

Inglewood, California, is where the  Drug Abuse Resistance Education American headquarters is located. In 1995,  Drug Abuse Resistance Education extended to the United Kingdom.

Purpose of  Drug Abuse Resistance Education

Lectures on the negative repercussions of drinking and drug usage, ways to reject drugs, improving identity, promoting the esteem of a person and support systems, and drug replacements have all been part of the program.  Graffiti and tattoos were also prohibited in the curriculum since they were seen as the product of societal pressure.  These courses were taken from the SMART programme which is an anti-drug curriculum being created at the University of Southern California, and delivered by police officers rather than educators.

Officers have also been urged to engage in unstructured time with students, such as participating in sports or sitting at a table with them.  Officers would occasionally appear in sports automobiles confiscated from drug dealers, to illustrate that drugs result in the loss of prized belongings.


We discussed Drug Abuse Resistance Education, primary Functions of Department of Agricultural Research and Education, Drug Abuse Resistance Education, Purpose of  Drug Abuse Resistance Education and other related topics through the study material notes on the Full Form Of DARE.

Drug Abuse Resistance Education programme is designed to equip primary school children with strategies for rejecting societal pressure to experience tobacco, drugs, and liquor.

 Department of Agricultural Research and Education is a government agency that integrates and encourages agronomic & agricultural education and research across the country.


Frequently asked questions

Get answers to the most common queries related to the General Examination Preparation.

What is the primary purpose of drug education?

Ans. Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) primary purpose is to help educate children and teenag...Read full

What is the significance of drug education?

Ans. Understanding the effects of addictive substances and drugs is certainly a useful technique. ...Read full

 Is the DARE programme still in operation?

Ans. The DARE programme was defunded in 1998 and was substituted with the Keepin’ it REAL pr...Read full

What exactly is the Department of Agricultural Research and Education relating to the context of extension?

Ans. In December 1973, the Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE) was formed wit...Read full

What are the four independent entities that report to the Department of Agricultural Research and Education?

Ans. The four independent entities that report to the Department of Agricultural Research and Educ...Read full