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FMCG Full Form

Fast Moving Consumer Goods are the products that are high in demand and thus, are sold quickly and at a lower cost. This article is all about Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG).

Fast Moving Consumer Goods, complete form for FMCG are the products that are sold quickly in the market and at a reasonably lower price. These goods may be perishable or Non perishable. Now that Fast Moving Consumer Goods are not long-lasting, these are also referred to as CPG (Packaged Goods for Consumers).

Almost every person in the entire world uses Fast Moving Consumer Goods to satisfy their basic daily-life requirements. It has been reported that Fast Moving Consumer Goods account for more than half the average consumer’s spending. FMCGs are produced by the companies for everyday use and thus, require an extensive distribution network because of high product turnover.

Mentioning the examples of Fast Moving Consumer Goods:

Now that FMCG is a unique industry in manufacturing, branding, marketing, and logistics, it needs to have a competitive edge. Following mentioned are some examples of Fast Moving Consumer Goods:

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables fall under the perishable category of Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Now that the lifespan of fruits and vegetables is much shorter, usually one or two days, it makes them challenging products to be distributed and sold for profit in the market. Both fruits and vegetables form a more significant portion of consumers’ food budgets. The cost of these products is higher than other FMCGs because these are to be sold quickly or else they are considered of no use. 

Cereals, Grains, and Wheat

After fruits and vegetables, other Fast Moving Consumer Goods that make it to the top of the list of household products are cereals, grains, and wheat. Almost every individual needs these three FMCGs to survive. The lifespan of these products is usually one to two months. Now that these Fast Moving Consumer Goods are high in demand, operating an FMCG business including wheat, cereals, and grains can help you access greater profitability.

Fish and Meat

Both fish and meat are considered a large portion of the non-vegetarian diet. Now that both these products last for one or two days, these also fall under the category of Fast Moving Consumer Goods. Although many people are shifting towards a more plant-based diet, many depend on fish and meat to satisfy their nutritional needs. 

Other Edible Items

Other edible Fast Moving Consumer Goods that you can find in the market include spices, sugar, salt, chocolates, etc. Such products are consumed mainly by middle-class consumers rather than low or high-income people. While the shelf life of such products is more significant than other edible FMCGs, still, it is essential to sell them as soon as possible.

Dairy Products

Now that the diet of people, population, and urbanisation are considerably changing, the demand for dairy products is increasing daily. The shelf line of dairy products is much shorter, usually one or two days, and thus, is considered a vital part of the Fast Moving Consumer Goods. 

Non-alcoholic Drinks

Almost every household spends a considerable amount of its budget on non-alcoholic drinks. Tea and coffee are usually the part of hot drinks and soda, water, juice, packet fruit drinks, etc., are part of soft drinks. The beverage companies working in the Fast Moving Consumer Good industry comprise hot and soft drinks that can be easily found in different shopping outlets.

Personal Care Items

Ranging from soaps cosmetics to oral care, skincare, and fragrances, personal care products are also categorised as Fast Moving Consumer Goods. These are semi-durable products. Some of them last for months and some for even a year. A general household utilizes a significant portion of the budget for these products.


Despite the health problems with smoking, tobacco is still reported as the most in-demand product worldwide. Being part of Fast Moving Consumer Goods, a considerable amount is spent on tobacco in the households where family members smoke.

Alcoholic Drinks

Many people drink alcoholic beverages and these Fast Moving Consumer Goods can get expensive, especially when drinking in a bar or other costly outlets. 

Additional FMCG

Apart from the above-mentioned Fast Moving Consumer Goods, there are many other perishable, semi-durable, and durable FMCG products like electronics, baked goods, medications, clothing, cleaning products, etc. these products are to be sold quickly.


Fast Moving Consumer Goods are products with a shorter lifespan and must be distributed and sold quickly to avoid wastage. The FMCG industry is ranked fourth place in the Indian market. Now that these products are sold commercially in larger quantities, the companies generate higher profits.


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