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EDP Full Form

EDP short for Electronic Data Processing, detailed explanation of electronic data processing, why it is necessary, methods involved in EDP, its advantages and disadvantages.


As the entire world is digitalized, data has increased with it. Industries have collected a considerable amount every day to understand the market and its customers. The data which have been collected is essential for decision making and understanding a particular event. Electronic data processing is widely adopted because of advantages like time-saving, better control, better response, better customer service, and saving time and money. In this article, we look into detail about Electronic Data Processing and different methods of data processing.

GCC Full Form

Electronic Data Processing is the processing of data using different methods to get desired output. It gathers the data, analyses it, and manipulates the data. As the world is becoming digital, businesses and organisations collect a large amount of data. All these data are used by the organisations to understand the market, users, and competition. A large volume of data needs to be processed, so an automated mechanism is required to carry out the process and produce effective results. Now, electronic data processing comes into play.

Different elements of data processing

Hardware, software, procedure, and personnel are the essential elements of electronic data processing.


  • Personal Computers
  • Servers
  • Cash registers
  • Scanners
  • Medical devices


  • Data Entry Software
  • Scheduling Software
  • Analytics Software
  • Accounting Software


  • Data capture
  • Data conversion
  • Sorting
  • Aggregation
  • Data Validation
  • Reporting


  • Programmers
  • Technicians
  • Data entry specialists

Different methods used to process data

There are different methods available to process data; in this section, we will look at some popular ways available for Electronic Data Processing. These methods are adapted in many industries depending on the requirement.


  • Time-sharing
  • Multi-tasking
  • Multi-processing
  • Real-time processing
  • Online processing
  • Interactive processing
  • Batch processing
  • Distributed processing

Let us look at each of this processing in brief:

a. Time-sharing:

In this data processing method, multiple users with different tasks are connected simultaneously to the Central Processing Unit (CPU), and this processing system controls the time allocated to each user. Each user is assigned a specific time to complete the task. If the user fails to meet the job in the given time, the user can work on that in another allocated time.

b. Multi-tasking:

Multitasking is an essential feature of data processing. In this process, different processors work simultaneously on various tasks. Other tasks performed by the same processor are called multi-tasking. Time-sharing systems are used in this process.

c. Multi-processing:

Multi-processing is the processing of various works, using different processors at the same time on the same computer. If the process runs on more than one CPU,

d. Real-time processing:

Real-time processing provides accurate and up-to-date information. Here, the computer processes the incoming data and delivers the output, which consists of the response of the given input. An example of Real-time processing is booking flight or movie tickets.

e. Online processing:

In online processing, the data is processed as soon as it is received. A link is used to connect the computer and data input. The input is basically an online input device. This method is mostly used for information research and recording.

f.  Batch processing:

In batch processing, the organised data is processed in groups. This way of processing allows the CPU to prioritise the task that needs to be processed first instead of processing the entire set of data. This method is unique and useful.

g. Distributed processing:

In Distributed processing, the workstations are distributed, and all those workstations are connected to the main workstation. This offers the users with better services. For Example, ATMs are distributed and connected to the primary workstation.

Advantages of Electronic Data Processing

  • Once the system of electronic data processing is made, the cost required to manage them is low. Data is stored as soft copies and stored as protected or encrypted files. The primary advantage of electronic processing is that all data files can be stored in electronic format instead of paper
  • Electronic data processing reduces the cost of data processing, it provides documentation controls. The process can be automated
  • Electronic data processing is time-efficient, as it allows the users to select a particular file in a massive amount of data and modify them easily


Electronic Data Processing is important in this modernised world. A hefty amount of data is being stored every day from each user, this data is later processed to understand the market interest. Businesses require Electronic Data Processing for more prolonged survival. It is crucial to collect enough information to meet the market with desired products with changing interests and trends. These are cost-effective, efficient, and also helps to understand the market.


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What is Electronic Data Processing?

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