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DP Full Form

One of the most used abbreviations DP may refer to Data Processing, Display Picture or Data Packet. The three terms are unrelated and have no relation whatsoever. This article will cover all three of them in ample detail.

Data Processing refers to the collection and translation of raw data into forms usable and desirable. This is generally performed by a group of professionals called data scientists. It is extremely useful and an important process performed in six stages starting with data collection.

Most “Gen Z” youth might be aware and more informed about the second interpretation of the abbreviation DP. Abbreviated for the word Display Picture, this is what the users see on the screen of their devices. It can be wallpaper, profile pictures on social media handles or even the good old Gmail profile picture.

The third interpretation or Data Packet refers to small bits of data being transferred from one computer to another. A single packet of data can hold between 1000 to 1500 bytes of information.

Data Processing

Just like uncooked rice is of no good to a hungry stomach, data in its raw form is not particularly useful. The raw data collected needs to be processed into more usable formats which may include converting raw data into forms like documents and graphs. This whole process is called data processing. The data is converted into forms that are usable according to the requirements and in a way that leads to the resolution of all the problems. The steps involved in data processing are as follows:

  • Data Collection- The first step of data processing involves the collection of high-quality data from trustworthy sources

  • Data Preparation-After data has been collected; the second stage of data processing, also known as data preparation is initialised.  In this stage, the collected data is cleansed up of incorrect and undesired information and the data obtained is organised to suit the required needs of the client

  • Data Input-This is the stage where the data prepared in the second stage is encoded into a machine by converting it into a machine-readable form so that it can be processed by an application. This is an expensive and time-consuming process that requires specialisation in speed and accuracy

  • Processing- This stage is where the data is interpreted into output by the use of machine learning and powerful artificial intelligence algorithms

  • Data Output- The data is finally readable to non-data scientists in this stage. The data has been converted in the form of graphs and documents which can be interpreted by the clients to obtain meaningful information

  • Data Storage- The final step of data processing involves the storage of processed data for quick retrieval and ease of access for future uses

Display Picture

Suppose you need to check out the profile of an old friend online on social media. How is it going to work out? The quickest way to approach this problem is to search his/her name on the platform. But there’s a catch. There might be hundreds or even thousands of people with the same name as that of your friend. That’s easy. Just check out their profile pictures. That is exactly what the display picture does. Profile pictures are actually just a type of display pictures that are used in social media handles.

Display pictures can be of many types. It can range from wallpapers, profile pictures and basically anything that a user sees on his/her screen when he/she opens it up. As the name suggests, display pictures are used as unique tools of recognition. Sometimes, these may be the personal photographs of the individual concerned. At other times, it can be the poster of any band or personality that is adored by the individual or even aesthetic snapshots. 

Data Packets

The internet is a giant web of information, consisting of thousands of interconnected computers. It is a haven of information. It has reduced the entire world to a large village in which even the tiniest speck does not go unnoticed. People use the web to browse information, download multimedia and whatnot but essentially it is just a large connection of digitally connected computers worldwide. For computers to be digitally connected, information needs to be transferred. How does this communication, or in other words, data transfer take place?

Imagine the internet to be a large warehouse of an e-commerce firm. The firm stores goods and upon receiving orders transports the required goods to the given address. The warehouse in the case of the internet refers to the web server which stores information. When you click upon a video on YouTube, your computer sends a request to the webserver to get the requested video displayed on your computer screen. It is similar to how the warehouse receives orders. The request is sent in the form of ‘Data Packets’, which are like virtual parcels. The data packets contain a lot of information. However, essentially, the two most important bits are the IP addresses of your computer and the web server respectively. But the request needs a navigation system towards the web server. This is where special computers called routers, and devices called switches aid the process. They direct the request packet towards the web server. Satellites or underwater Optic Fibre Cables are the modes of transportation.

Now, the order has been read, the request has been received. It now calls upon the delivery guys to deliver the goods. The web server proceeds to send the requested data to the requesting computer in the same parcels of data packets. The routers try to find the fastest route back. The number of data packets required depends upon the requested data. Videos and images usually require more data packets than text files. Since the data packets do not arrive all at the same time, they also store information on how to assemble the data pieces together to get the required output. It is quite amazing that this whole process of exchange takes place in less than a second. 


The abbreviation D.P. may refer to Data Processing, Data Packets or Display Pictures. Data Processing converts raw unusable data into readable formats, while Data Packets are a means of information transfer between the web server and computer. Display pictures are mainly recognition tools and are what the user sees on the screen (wallpapers, profile pictures etc.).


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What are the various full forms for the abbreviation DP?

Ans : Display Picture, Data Packets, Data Processing