Full Forms » DBA Full Form

DBA Full Form

DBA refers to "Doing Business As" and is defined as the fictitious name of the company which is the name other than its owner's name. DBA also refers to "Database Administrator".

DBA is the Doing Business As which refers to the name of the company other than the name of the owner of the company. For example; Lizzie Frederick, company’s owner may register ‘doing business as’ Frederick’s Federation company. They basically operate their company under a name other than that of their permissible or registered name. It is the pseudonym which a company uses when they work under a name other than the company’s registered name. It is also referred to as a trading name, trade name or business name but in the US (United States), it is referred to as ‘doing business as’.

Another full form of DBA is Database Administrator which stores as well as organizes the data with the help of high performance software. This term refers to the person who manages, gives security and vindicates the data of the system so that consumers can operate their business securely and privately. There are 6 types of Database Administrator and they are; Administrative Database Administrator, Data warehouse database administrator, development database administrator, application database administrator, architect, OLAP database administrator.

DBA- Doing Business As

Need of Doing Business As

Doing business as needed to run the company under a pseudonym name i.e. other than it’s company’s legal name. It is well needed for sole tradership (proprietorships) like an artist, grocery store, graphic designer etc. and general partnership as well as for LLCs (Corporation and Limited Liability Company). Small business traders are also applicable for doing business as.

How to file a Doing Business As?

To file Doing Business As, you have to fill an application form with the help of either local agency, state agency or country agency and you have to pay a fee for filling the application form. For example, sole tradership and general partnership as well as for LLCs both can apply for doing business by filling an appropriate application form according to the legal norms. After choosing the appropriate company’s fictitious name you can now file for trademarks with the help of the US Patent and Trademark Office. This will protect the individual’s intellectual property rights.

The fees of Doing Business As varies but range between $5 and $50 or $10 to $100 including all the penalties.

Different ways to register business name

There are four different ways for registering a business name and they are;

  • Entity name

  • Trademark

  • Domain name

  • Doing Business As name

Doing Business As is one of the biggest and safest ways for registering as a business name as it provides protection to the consumer with a pseudonym. By doing business as a name we can run multiple businesses, maybe as a sub-branch.

Advantages of Doing Business As

The advantages of Doing Business As are;

  1. With the help of Doing Business As we can prevail over multiple businesses.

  2. If you don’t want to run the business under your name then you can apply for a Doing Business As.

  3. It is the easiest process.

  4. It helps in keeping your business obedient and facile.

  5. It is used by banks for opening new business accounts.

  6. It provides protection to the consumer i.e. increases the customer’s privacy.

  7. Entrepreneurs can also create sole tradership.

  8. It also helps in expanding brands

DBA- Database Administrator

Importance of Database Administrator

  • The three levels of the database (internal level, external level and conceptual level) are maintained and controlled by the Database Administrator

  • They ensure the safety, integrity or honesty and security of the data of individuals’ business

  • They help in restoring the data as well as ensure its backing up

  • They run the overall database efficiently and accurately

  • They manage and monitor the cross-system of data merges

  • They can update the old database

Roles of Database Administrator

  • They decide the cost, ability, performance and accuracy of the hardware i.e. economy of the hardware

  • They help in designing logical data, security of the data and design of external models of data

  • They regulate database management

  • They improve the performance and speed of query processing with the help of structured query language

  • They help in installing the data

  • They play a major role in planning the capacity of the product

Skills for database administrator

The skills required for database administrator are, knowledge of database design, database queries, database theories, structured query language, storage technologies, security settings, and all knowledge of every information related to data management.


DBA may either refer to Database Administrator or Doing Business As. They both are necessary for one’s business operation as they provide security and safety to it. Doing Business As is the term in which a name of the company but other than the name of the owner while Database Administrator is the person who maintains and organizes the data of the company or an individual safely. They both provide vindication to the company. They expand the brand of the company. Database administrator requires overall knowledge of database design, database management and queries, security settings and database theories.

Frequently asked questions

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What are the two full forms of the DBA?

Answer: They are:- DBA- Doing Business As: DOING BUSINESS AS refers to the name of the company other than the name of...Read full

Give the role of database administrator.

Answer: The role of database administrator are: ...Read full

Explain the advantages of Doing Business As

Answer: The advantages of Doing Business As are: ...Read full

What are the skills required for a database administrator?

Answer: The skills required for database administrator are, knowledge of database design, database ...Read full