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AJAX Full Form

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is the full form of AJAX. It is a technique used for developing websites. Read more to know about AJAX.

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a programming language that facilitates a systematic method used to develop faster and more interactive user websites. It is the integration of various programming languages. These programming languages are DHTML, JavaScript, and XML. The best thing about the website written in AJAX is that these websites can automatically send or access the server’s information in the background. The sending and accessing of data do not interfere with the current operation of the website and hence its website lags very little. Hence, the websites developed on AJAX have a fast running time. Users can also alter the content of their website periodically by making changes in the layers of the website. 

Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

The concept of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is not a technology but programming. For executing the AJAX on websites, developers utilise built-in XML Http Request objects. XML Http Request object facilitates the loading of content faster, without refreshing the page again and again. It also uses Document Object Model (DOM) to exchange the information between browser and server. The function named load data() is used for fetching the content of a file from the server. Then, this fetched content is displayed on-screen through DOM. Also, the exchange of data can be done in many formats. These are:

  • JavaScript Objection Notation (JSON) format 
  • XML format 
  • HTML format 
  • Text files format 

However, it is not a newly developed method or language but an old technology that is now being customised. The extension of files of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML is .js. It was first introduced in 1999 March. The code written on AJAX followed the format of JavaScript.

Technologies used in AJAX 

AJAX also integrates the various programming tools for acquiring better output. Here are some technologies listed, with which AJAX integrates for performing various tasks under AJAX. 

  • For facilitating presentation, it is combined with cascading style sheets 
  • For facilitating dynamic display content, it is combined with Document Object Model
  • For fetching data while running a website or Asynchronous communication, it combines with the object of Microsoft (XMLHttpRequest)
  • For interchanging the data, it combines with JSON or XML
  • For facilitating XML manipulation, it is combined with XSLT 
  • For bringing different updated or object-based technologies, it combines with JavaScript

Working of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 

AJAX includes JavaScript, XHTML and XML. It used all three languages distinctively. JavaScript is used for displaying content faster, XHTML is used for writing content, and XML is used for receiving data from servers. The loading of a web page does not take too much time. When the user provides the Input of performing any task, the JavaScript immediately approaches the server. The network between web page and server, and then the server interprets and displays the screen’s output. Here is the whole working process of AJAX described:

  • Some basic actions are automatically completed on the webpage; they do not require background processing. For example, loading the webpage with the click of the user 
  • After getting the Input, JavaScript starts creating an XML Http Request object.
  • The created object sends the processing request to the server related to the particular web page 
  • The server receives the request and processes it further. The server sends its response to the browser
  • On the browser, again, JavaScript process or read the response
  • After that, JavaScript takes the specific actions instructed in the response from the server

Major benefits of using AJAX for web development

Some major benefits of using Asynchronous JavaScript and XML in website development:

  • As it contains JavaScript, AJAX is widely spread and accepted. Many big organisations use JavaScript in their workplaces 
  • It improves the user interactivity with the web page by using CSS
  • Due to technologies like DOM, it works at a much faster rate. Due to this, AJAX is the best option for utilising eCommerce and online platforms
  • It allows the interaction of the user intuitively
  • Users can regularly update their content. They can also fix the time interval, after how many days they have to change the content
  • The AJAX is incorporated with the many open-source toolkits as well as libraries. It provides cross-browser support to it
  • AJAX is capable of facilitating Rich Internet Application technology on its interface. Due to this, it can perform high computations in less time

Applications of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML 

AJAX is a widely-spread language on which many big organisations run. It is well known for its high speed and usability. That’s why it is used in the various applications of computer science. These are:

  • In Google maps 
  • For contacting and login forms
  • For charting components 
  • For calendar applications 
  • For rating widgets 
  • For desktop tutorials 
  • For RSS readers


Asynchronous JavaScript and XML are among the advanced web developing languages. The blend of JavaScript with other languages makes it perfect for performing high-level tasks. Using this language, users can use the server’s bandwidth efficiently and update the page of their website without reloading it. AJAX was first introduced in 1998 with the MS Remote Scripting Approach. In 2005, it started gaining popularity and became an important tool for developing websites and applications. The best thing about AJAX is that it uses a procedural paradigm with object-oriented JavaScript. Due to this, users can perform various actions with the website developed via AJAX.


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Explain the term AJAX.

Answer: AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a programming language that facilitates systematic me...Read full

Explain the working of Asynchronous JavaScript and XML programming language.

Answer: In AJAX, JavaScript is used to display content faster, XHTML is used for writing content, and XML is used to...Read full

Write some technologies used in Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.

Answer: Some technologies used in AJAX: ...Read full

Write two major applications of AJAX.

Answer: Two major applications are: AJAX...Read full